Purici, nomazi și supă de șobolani - Povești din Africa ecuatorială
This biographic travel book, published by one of the most prestigious publishing house in Romania, presents (in Romanian) the true stories and adventures of the author in his African journey and expeditions. From funny to dramatic stories, to facts and achievements, this is a must-read for all who love to travel to off-the-beaten-track sites. As a bonus, the book includes many photos from the told and untold stories.
This is a photographic album focused on African wildlife. Published in Romanian, it includes 320 high-quality print photo pages (A4 format), covering more than 100 animal species and accounts resulting from over 15 years of travels across sub-Saharan Africa.
The only book on the identification of ticks for the complete Western Palearctic region. Offers both keys to and illustrations of every stage of development for 68 species of ticks relevant to human and animal health. The book includes a list of more than 100 historical references related to the identification of ticks in the target territory and provides an up-to-date overview gathering information prepared by internationally respected specialists.
Manual práctico de enfermedades infecciosas y parasitarias del perro
Este libro fue pensado con el objetivo de brindar herramientas, conocimientos y actualizaciones sobre diferentes enfermedades producidas por virus, bacterias, hongos, protozoarios y helmintos que afectan a los perros de todo el mundo, pero con un mayor énfasis en América Latina y Europa.