Books & Chapters


  • Papers (reviews + articles + letters) in SCIE (WoS): 221
  • Invited editorial material: 3
  • Number of citations in WoS: 2974 (without self-citations) (average 15.46/item)
  • Citing articles in WoS: 2221 (without self-citations)
  • Articles in other journals: 35
  • Proceedings publications indexed in WoS: 4
  • Abstracts in conference proceedings: 228
  • Popular science books and articles: 6
  • H-index (Web of Science) = 31
  • Books (Editor): 2
  • Books (Author): 6
  • Chapters in books: 23

EDITED BOOKS (Total = 2)

  1. Estrada-Peña A, Mihalca AD, Petney TN. 2018. Ticks of Europe and North Africa: A Guide to Species Identification. Springer. 404 pp. ISBN 978-3319637594.
  2. Gherman CM, Mihalca AD, Briciu VT (Editors) 2013. Boala Lyme în România. AcademicPres, Cluj-Napoca. 257 pp. ISBN 978-973-744-337-3.


  1. Mihalca AD. 2018. Textbook of Veterinary Entomology for Students. AcademicPres, Cluj-Napoca, 98 pp. ISBN 978-973-744-678-7.
  2. Winiwarter V and Haidvogl G with the following contributing authors and commentators: Barben D, Contin M, Cutura M, Domany B, Dorondel S, Egner H, Gajski G, Garcia-Santos G, Gueorguiev T, Hartl M, Hein T, Hudecz F, Ivan O, Jelen I, Jungmeier M, Kopliku B, Sabri L, Lenhardt M, Tamáska MD, Mihalca A, Miho A, Papp L, Petrovic A, Pont D, Pop AM, Popova J, Sandu C, Sendzimir J, Šmid Hribar M, Stoica G, Scctöglehner G, Tabakovic M, Terzic A, Torkar G, Žlender V, Zojer H. 2015. Danube: Future White Paper on Integrated Sustainable Development of the Danube River Basin. A research community-based White Paper on research and capacity building needs, challenges and opportunities for the development of the sustainability-oriented knowledge society of the Danube River Basin. Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt Wien Graz & University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. Printed edition, Vienna. 55 pp. ISBN 978-3-900932-27-5.
  3. Modrý D, Hofmannová L, Mihalca AD, Juránková J, Neumayerová H, D'Amico G. 2015. Field and laboratory diagnostics of parasitic diseases of domestic animals: from sampling to diagnosis. ESF CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0288. 69 pp.
  4. Mihalca AD. 2013. Textbook of Veterinary Parasitology: Introduction to Parasitology. Protozoology. AcademicPres, Cluj-Napoca. 198 pp. ISBN 978-973-744-312-0.
  5. Cozma V, Gherman C, Mircean V, Magdaş C, Mihalca A. 2009. Ghid de diagnostic parazitologic veterinar. Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca. 195 pp. ISBN 978-973-53-0059-3.
  6. Mihalca AD, Gherman C. 2005. Lucrări practice de biologie animală şi ecologie. AcademicPres, Cluj-Napoca. 121 pp. ISBN 973-744-008-0.


  1. Mihalca AD. 2024. Capítulo 29. Nematodos emergentes, ignorados e infrecuentes transmitidos por vectores en perros de Europa. pp. 475-483.
  2. Mihalca AD, Votýpka J. 2022. Horse flies (Diptera: Tabanidae). In Encyclopedia of Infection and Immunity Section (Editor Nima Rezaei), Volume 2, Section 6 "Insects and mites" (Editor Giovanni Benelli), pp. 886-894.
  3. Votýpka J, Mihalca AD. 2022. Horn flies (Haematobia and Haematobosca). In Encyclopedia of Infection and Immunity Section (Editor Nima Rezaei), Volume 2, Section 6 "Insects and mites" (Editor Giovanni Benelli), pp. 895-902.
  4. Mihalca AD, Estrada-Peña A, Petney TN. 2018. Introduction. In Estrada-Peña A, Mihalca AD, Petney TN (Eds.) Ticks of Europe and North Africa: A Guide to Species Identification. Springer, p. 1-4. ISBN 978-3319637594.
  5. Petney TN, Pfäffle M, Sprong H, Mihalca AD, Estrada-Peña A. 2018. How to collect ticks and interpret these collections. In Estrada-Peña A, Mihalca AD, Petney TN (Eds.) Ticks of Europe and North Africa: A Guide to Species Identification. Springer, p. 5-10. ISBN 978-3319637594.
  6. Mihalca AD, D'Amico G. 2018. Ixodes laguri Olenev, 1929. In Estrada-Peña A, Mihalca AD, Petney TN (Eds.) Ticks of Europe and North Africa: A Guide to Species Identification. Springer, p. 219-223. ISBN 978-3319637594.
  7. Mihalca AD, Dumitrache MO, D'Amico G. 2018. Rhipicephalus rossicus Yakimov & Kohl-Yakimova, 1911. In Estrada-Peña A, Mihalca AD, Petney TN (Eds.) Ticks of Europe and North Africa: A Guide to Species Identification. Springer, p. 311-315. ISBN 978-3319637594.
  8. D'Amico G, Mihalca AD, Estrada-Peña A. 2018. Rhipicephalus annulatus (Say, 1821). In Estrada-Peña A, Mihalca AD, Petney TN (Eds.) Ticks of Europe and North Africa: A Guide to Species Identification. Springer, p. 335-339. ISBN 978-3319637594.
  9. Mihalca AD, Petney TN, Pfäffle MP. 2018. Hyalomma aegyptium (Linnaeus, 1758). In Estrada-Peña A, Mihalca AD, Petney TN (Eds.) Ticks of Europe and North Africa: A Guide to Species Identification. Springer, p. 361-363. ISBN 978-3319637594.
  10. Mihalca AD, Pfäffle MP, Petney TN. 2018. Hyalomma dromedarii Koch, 1844. In Estrada-Peña A, Mihalca AD, Petney TN (Eds.) Ticks of Europe and North Africa: A Guide to Species Identification. Springer, p. 365-369. ISBN 978-3319637594.
  11. Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2015. The role of rodents in the ecology of Ixodes ricinus and associated pathogens in Central and Eastern Europe. In Estrada-Peña A, de la Fuente J (Editors) The biology and ecology of ticks shape the potential for the transmission of zoonotic pathogens. Frontiers Media SA, p. 177-179. ISBN: 978-2-88919-406-3
  12. Vayssier-Taussat M, Kazimirova M, Hubalek Z, Hornok S, Farkas R, Bonnet S, Vourch G, Mihalca AD, Plantard O, Silaghi C, Rizzoli A. 2015. The future of research on tick-borne pathogens: shifting from the 'one pathogen-one disease' vision to the pathobiome paradigm. In Lancelot R, Laurens S, Lewer A (Editors) The impact of a decade of research (2004-2015) on vector-borne diseases, CIRAD, France. p. 35-42. ISBN 978-2-87614-707-2
  13. Mihalca AD. 2014. Protozooze la reptile. In Tratat de Medicină Veterinară. Volumul VI. Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, p.385-403. ISBN 978-973-53-1152-0.
  14. Mihalca AD. 2014. Helmintoze la reptile. In Tratat de Medicină Veterinară. Volumul VI. Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, p.881-895. ISBN 978-973-53-1152-0.
  15. Mihalca AD. 2014. Arahnoze la reptile. In Tratat de Medicină Veterinară. Volumul VI. Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, p.1077-1081. ISBN 978-973-53-1152-0.
  16. Mihalca AD. 2014. Entomoze la reptile. In Tratat de Medicină Veterinară. Volumul VI. Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, p.1185-1189. ISBN 978-973-53-1152-0.
  17. Mihalca AD. 2013. 1.1. Ce este boala Lyme. In Boala Lyme în România. AcademicPres, Cluj-Napoca. p. 5-6. ISBN 978-973-744-337-3.
  18. Mihalca AD. 2013. 1.2. Istoric. In Boala Lyme în România. AcademicPres, Cluj-Napoca. p. 6-8. ISBN 978-973-744-337-3.
  19. Mihalca AD. 2013. 3.1. Ciclul natural al speciei Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. In Boala Lyme în România. AcademicPres, Cluj-Napoca. p. 29-34. ISBN 978-973-744-337-3.
  20. Mihalca AD. 2013. 9.1. Răspândirea vectorului bolii Lyme, Ixodes ricinus în România. In Boala Lyme în România. AcademicPres, Cluj-Napoca. p. 175-178. ISBN 978-973-744-337-3.
  21. Mihalca AD. 2013. 9.3. Atacul cu căpușe la om și rolul acestora ca vectori ai bolii Lyme în România. In Boala Lyme în România. AcademicPres, Cluj-Napoca. p. 185-190. ISBN 978-973-744-337-3.
  22. Mihalca AD. 2011. Parasitism in the Dice Snake (Natrix tessellata) - a Literature Review. Mertensiella 18:255-271. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde, Rheinbach. ISBN 978-3-9812565-4-3.
  23. Carlsson M, Kärvemo S, Tudor M, Sloboda M, Mihalca AD, Ghira I, Bel L, Modrý D. 2011. Monitoring a Large Population of Dice Snakes at Lake Sinoe in Dobrogea, Romania. Mertensiella 18:237-244. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde, Rheinbach. ISBN 978-3-9812565-4-3.
  24. Kärvemo S, Carlsson M, Tudor M, Sloboda M, Mihalca AD, Ghira I., Bel L., Modrý D. 2011. Gender Differences in Seasonal Movement of Dice Snakes in Histria, Southeastern Romania. Mertensiella 18:245-254. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde, Rheinbach. ISBN 978-3-9812565-4-3.

Review papers

  1. Dantas-Torres F, Ketzis J, Tort GP, Mihalca AD, Baneth G, Otranto D, Watanabe M, Linh BK, Inpankaew T, Borras P, Arumugam S, Penzhorn BL, Ybanez AP, Irwin P, Traub RJ. 2023. Heartworm adulticide treatment: a tropical perspective. Parasites & Vectors 16:148.
  2. Péter A, Barti L, Corduneanu A, Hornok S, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2021. First record of Ixodes simplex found on man in Europe, with a review of cases of human infestation by bat-specialist ticks. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 12(4):101722.
  3. Cutler SJ, Vayssier-Taussat M, Estrada-Peña A, Potkonjak A, Mihalca AD, Zeller H. 2021. Tick-borne diseases and co-infection: Current considerations. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 12:101607.
  4. Dantas-Torres F, Ketzis J, Mihalca AD, Baneth G, Otranto D, Perez Tort G, Watanabe M, Linh BK, Inpankaew T, Jimenez Castro PD, Borrás P, Sangaran A, Penzhorn B, Ybañez AP, Irwin P, Traub RJ. 2020. TroCCAP recommendations for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of parasitic infections in dogs and cats in the tropics. Veterinary Parasitology 283:109167.
  5. Matei IA, Estrada-Peña A, Cutler SJ, Vayssier-Taussat M, Varela-Castro L, Potkonjak A, Zeller H, Mihalca AD. 2019. A review on the eco-epidemiology and clinical management of Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis and its agent in Europe. Parasites & Vectors 12:599.
  6. Cutler S, Vayssier-Taussat M, Estrada-Peña A, Potkonjak A, Zeller H, Mihalca AD. 2019. A new Borrelia on the block: Borrelia miyamotoi - A human health risk? Eurosurveillance 24(18):pii=1800170.
  7. Mihalca AD, Cazan CD, Sulesco T, Dumitrache MO. 2019. A historical review on vector distribution and epidemiology of human and animal leishmanioses in Eastern Europe. Research in Veterinary Science 123:185-191.
  8. Corduneanu A, Sándor AD, Ionică AM, Hornok S, Leitner N, Bagó Z, Stefke K, Fuehrer HP, Mihalca AD. 2018. Bartonella DNA in heart tissues of bats in Central and Eastern Europe and a review of phylogenetic relations of bat-associated bartonellae. Parasites & Vectors 11:489.
  9. Tomassone L, Berriatua E, De Sousa R, Duscher GG, Mihalca AD, Silaghi C, Sprong H, Zintl A. 2018. Neglected vector-borne zoonoses in Europe: Into the wild. Veterinary Parasitology 251:17-26.
  10. Otranto D, Dantas-Torres F, Mihalca AD, Traub RJ, Lappin M, Baneth G. 2017. Zoonotic parasites of sheltered and stray dogs in the era of the global economic and political crisis. Trends in Parasitology 33:813-825.
  11. Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2017. A synoptic overview of golden jackal parasites reveals high diversity of species. Parasites & Vectors 10:419.
  12. Mihalca AD, Kalmár Z, Dumitrache MO. 2015. Rhipicephalus rossicus, a neglected tick at the margin of Europe: a review of its distribution, ecology and medical importance. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 29:215-224.
  13. Vayssier-Taussat M, Kazimirova M, Hubalek Z, Hornok S, Farkas R, Cosson JF, Bonnet S, Vourch G, Gasqui P, Mihalca AD, Plantard O, Silaghi C, Cutler S, Rizzoli A. 2015. Emerging horizons for tick-borne pathogens: from the "one pathogen-one disease" vision to the pathobiome paradigm. Future Microbiology 10:2033-2043.
  14. Mihalca AD, Gherman CM, Cozma V. 2011. Coendangered hard-ticks: threatened or threatening? Parasites & Vectors 4:71.

Research papers in Web of Science

2024 (Total = 2)

  1. Sándor AD, Corduneanu A, Hornok S, Mihalca AD, Péter Á. 2024. Season and host-community composition inside roosts may affect host-specificity of bat flies. Scientific Reports 14:4127.

  2. Deak G, Ionică AM, Taulescu M, Negoescu A, Ifteme C, Roșoiu M, Mihalca AD. 2024. A severe case of hyperinfection by Strongyloides stercoralis in a pet dog from  Romania. Parasitology International 100:102849.

2023 (Total = 17)

  1. Bendjeddou ML, Khelfaoui F, Abiadh A, Mechouk N, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2023. Bat ectoparasites (Acari, Diptera, Hemiptera, Siphonaptera) in the Grand Maghreb (Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia): A literature review and new data. Acta Parasitologica doi: 10.1007/s11686-023-00732-8.
  2. Cotuțiu VD, Ionică AM, Dan T, Cazan CD, Borșan SD, Culda CA, Mihaiu M, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2023. Diversity of Thelazia spp. in domestic cattle from Romania: epidemiology and molecular diagnosis by a novel multiplex PCR. Parasites & Vectors 16:400.
  3. Hrazdilova K, Danek O, Hrbatova A, Cervena B, Noskova E, Adamik P, Votypka J, Mihalca AD, Noureddine M, Modry D, Zurek L. 2023. Genetic analysis challenges the presence of Ixodes inopinatus in Central Europe: development of a multiplex PCR to distinguish I. inopinatus from I. ricinus. Parasites & Vectors 16:354.
  4. Kalmár Z, Sándor AD, Balea A, Borşan SD, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD, Cozma-Petruț A, Mircean V, Györke A. 2023. Toxoplasma gondii in small mammals in Romania: the influence of host, season and sampling location. BMC Veterinary Research 19:177.
  5. Alsarraf M, Carretón E, Ciuca L, Diakou A, Dwużnik-Szarek D, Fuehrer HP, Genchi M, Ionică AM, Kloch A, Kramer LH, Mihalca AD, Miterpáková M, Morchón R, Papadopoulos E, Pękacz M, Rinaldi L, Alsarraf M, Topolnytska M, Vismarra A, Zawistowska-Deniziak A, Bajer A. 2023. Diversity and geographic distribution of haplotypes of Dirofilaria immitis across European endemic countries. Parasites & Vectors. 16:325.
  6. Wint GRW, Balenghien T, Berriatua E, Braks M, Marsboom C, Medlock J, Schaffner F, Van Bortel W, Alexander N, Alten B, Czwienczek E, Dhollander S, Ducheyne E, Gossner CM, Hansford K, Hendrickx G, Honrubia H, Matheussen T, Mihalca AD, Petric D, Richardson J, Sprong H, Versteirt V, Briet O. 2023. VectorNet: collaborative mapping of arthropod disease vectors in Europe and surrounding areas since 2010. Eurosurveillance 28:2200666.
  7. Plasil M, Oppelt J, Klumplerova M, Bubenikova J, Vychodilova L, Janova E, Stejskalova K, Futas J, Knoll A, Leblond A, Mihalca AD, Horin P. 2023. Newly identified variability of the antigen binding site coding sequences of the equine major histocompatibility complex class I and class II genes. HLA 102:489-500.
  8. Deak G, Ionică AM, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2023. Diversity of Crenosoma species in mustelids with the first molecular characterization of C. melesi and C. petrowi. Frontiers in Veterinary Sciences 10:1094554.
  9. Corduneanu A, Taulescu M, Ursache TD, Ionică AM, Mihalca AD. 2023. Piroplasms in farmed American bison, Bison bison from Romania. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10:1158072.
  10. Hornok S, Mihalca AD, Kontschán J, Takács N, Fedorov D, Plantard O, Sándor AD. Phylogenetic analyses of Ixodes rugicollis with notes on its morphology in comparison with Ixodes cornutus. 2023. Parasites & Vectors 16:106.
  11. Deak G, Ionică M, Mihalca AD. 2023. First report of Thelazia callipaeda Railliet & Henry, 1910 in a zoo lion (Panthera leo) (Linnaeus, 1758) from Romania. Veterinary Research Communications 10.1007/s11259-023-10097-y.
  12. Mechouk N, Deak G, Ionică AM, Toma CG, Bouslama Z, Mihalca AD. 2023. First report of Crenosoma vulpis in Africa and Eucoleus aerophilus in Algeria. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 20:187-191.
  13. Balmoș OM, Supeanu A, Tamba P, Horvath C, Panait LC, Sandor AD, Cazan CD, Ungur A, Motiu M, Manita FA, Ancuceanu BC, Barbuceanu F, Dhollander S, Mihalca AD. 2023. African swine fever virus load in hematophagous dipterans collected in outbreaks from Romania: risk factors and implications. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 2023:3548109.
  14. Bilbija B, Spitzweg C, Papoušek I, Fritz U, Földvári G, Mullett M, Ihlow F, Sprong H, Civáňová Křížová K, Anisimov N, Belova OA, Bonnet SI, Bychkova E, Czułowska A, Duscher GG, Fonville M, Kahl O, Karbowiak G, Kholodilov IS, Kiewra D, Krčmar S, Kumisbek G, Livanova N, Majláth I, Teresa Manfredi M, Mihalca AD, Miró G, Moutailler S, Nebogatkin IV, Tomanović S, Vatansever Z, Yakovich M, Zanzani S, Široký P. 2023. Dermacentor reticulatus - a tick on its way from glacial refugia to a panmictic Eurasian population. International Journal for Parasitology 53:91-101.
  15. Panait LC, Ionică AM, Cazan CD, Coroian M, Diacu AM, Boncea AM, Mateescu C, Mihalca AD. 2023. Apicomplexan haemoparasites in domestic cats in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 16:56.
  16. Alsarraf M, Baneth G, Bogucka-Kocka A, Ciuca L, Dwużnik-Szarek D, Fuehrer HP, Kloch A, Kołodziej P, Levytska V, Mierzejewska EJ, Mihalca AD, Ionică AM, Mushynskyi A, Nachum-Biala Y, Alsarraf M, Bajer A. 2023. Haplotypes of Dirofilaria repens from Poland and selected countries of Central, North-Eastern Europe and the Middle East: An evaluation on the relation between the genetic diversity and the geographic distribution of the fast-spreading parasite. Veterinary Parasitology 315:109882.
  17. Stelder JJ, Mihalca AD, Olesen AS, Kjær LJ, Boklund AE, Rasmussen TB, Marinov M, Alexe V, Balmoş OM, Bødker R. 2023. Potential mosquito vector attraction to- and feeding preferences for pigs in Romanian backyard farms. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 9:1046263.

2022 (Total = 24)

  1. Mihalca AD, Deak G, Panait LC, Rabei Ș, Beugnet F. 2022. Efficacy of a topical formulation containing esafoxolaner, eprinomectin and praziquantel (NexGard Combo®) against natural infestations with the cat louse, Felicola subrostratus under field conditions. Parasite 29:62.
  2. Yessinou RE, Cazan CD, Panait LC, Mollong E, Biguezoton AS, Bonnet SI, Farougou S, Groschup MH, Mihalca AD. 2022. New geographical records for tick-borne pathogens in ticks collected from cattle in Benin and Togo. Veterinary Medicine and Science 9:345-352.
  3. Marinov M., Ionică AM, Mihalca AD, Alexe V, Dorosencu AC, Tudor M, Kiss JB, Bolboaca LE. 2022. New insights into the trophobiology and human perception of the golden jackal Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758 (Mammalia: Canidae) in the Danube Delta and Surroundings: between myth and reality. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 74:103-110.
  4. Pichler V, Caputo B, Valadas V, Micocci M, Horvath C, Virgillito C, Akiner M, Balatsos G, Bender C, Besnard G, Bravo-Barriga D, Bueno-Mari R, Collantes F, Delacour-Estrella S, Dikolli E, Falcuta E, Flacio E, García-Pérez AL, Kalan K, Kavran M, L'Ambert G, Lia RP, Marabuto E, Medialdea R, Melero-Alcibar R, Michaelakis A, Mihalca AD, Mikov O, Miranda MA, Müller P, Otranto D, Pajovic I, Petric D, Rebelo MT, Robert V, Rogozi E, Tello A, Zitko T, Schaffner F, Pinto J, Della Torre A. 2022. Geographic distribution of the V1016G knockdown resistance mutation in Aedes albopictus: a warning bell for Europe. Parasites & Vectors 15:280.
  5. Cotuțiu VD, Ionică AM, Lefkaditis M, Cazan CD, Hașaș AD, Mihalca AD. 2022. Thelazia lacrymalis in horses from Romania: epidemiology, morphology and phylogenetic analysis. Parasites & Vectors 15:425.
  6. Culda CA, Dionnet R, Barbu AC, Cârstolovean AS, Dan T, Grijalva J, Espin P, Vinueza RL, Cruz M, Páez-Rosas D, Renato L, Mihalca AD. 2022. The presence of Dirofilaria immitis in domestic dogs on San Cristobal Island, Galapagos. Pathogens 11:1287.
  7. Coroian M, Silaghi C, Tews BA, Baltag EȘ, Marinov M, Alexe V, Kalmár Z, Horvath C, Lupșe MS, Mihalca AD. 2022. Serological survey of mosquito-borne arboviruses in wild birds from important migratory hotspots in Romania. Pathogens 11:1270.
  8. Cotuțiu VD, Mihalca AD, Hołówka KA, Ionică AM, Cazan CD, Gherman CM. 2022. European hares, Lepus europaeus, represent a reservoir host for Thelazia callipaeda in Romania. Pathogens 11:1225.
  9. Safarov A, Mihalca AD, Park GM, Akramova F, Ionică AM, Abdinabiev O, Deak G, Azimov D. 2022. A survey of helminths of dogs in rural and urban areas of Uzbekistan and the zoonotic risk to human population. Pathogens 11:1085.
  10. Deak G, Safarov A, Xie XC, Wang R, Mihalca AD, Šlapeta J. 2022. Fleas from the Silk Road in Central Asia: identification of Ctenocephalides canis and Ctenocephalides orientis on owned dogs in Uzbekistan using molecular identification and geometric morphometrics. Parasites & Vectors 15:345.
  11. Martinez E, Leon R, Mihalca AD, Dujardin JP, Le Pont F. 2022. Morphological description of Pintomyia (Pifanomyia) veintemillasi n. sp., a new sand fly species from the sub-Andean region of Bolivia. Parasites & Vectors 15:327.
  12. Mihalca AD, Deak G, Panait LC, Rabei Ș, Beugnet F. 2022. Efficacy of afoxolaner (NexGard®) against natural infestations with Trichodectes canis in dogs under field conditions. Parasites & Vectors 15:317.
  13. Mechouk N, Mihalca AD, Deak G, Bouslama Z. 2022. Synopsis of the ticks of Algeria with new hosts and localities records. Parasites & Vectors 15:302.
  14. Ivan T, Matei IA, Novac CS, Kalmár Z, Borșan SD, Panait L, Gherman CM, Ionică AM, Papuc I, Mihalca AD. 2022. Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia spp. diversity in ticks, and the first report of Rickettsia hoogstraalii in Romania. Veterinary Sciences 9:343.
  15. Deak G, Toader S, Soare DG, Ionică AM, Taulescu M, Mihalca AD. 2022. Case Report: A new geographic area for the presence of the zoonotic ocular nematode, Onchocerca lupi in Romania. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 9:941303.
  16. Coroian M, Mihalca AD, Dobler G, Euringer K, Girl P, Borșan SD, Kalmár Z, Briciu TV, Flonta M, Topan A, Rădulescu AL, Ungur A, Lupșe MS. 2022. Seroprevalence rates against West Nile, Usutu, and tick-borne encephalitis viruses in blood-donors from north-western Romania. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(13):8182.
  17. Yessinou RE, Cazan CD, Bonnet SI, Farougou S, Mihalca AD. 2022. Geographical distribution of hard ticks (Acari:Ixodidae) and tick-host associations in Benin, Burkina-Faso, Ivory-Coast and Togo. Acta Tropica 232:106510.
  18. Deak G, Ionică AM, Pop AR, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM. 2022. New insights into the distribution of cardio-pulmonary nematodes in road killed wild felids from Romania. Parasites & Vectors 15(1):153.
  19. Ionică AM, Deak G, Boncea R, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2022. The European badger as a new host for Dirofilaria immitis and an update on the distribution of the heartworm in wild carnivores from Romania. Pathogens 11:420.
  20. Braks M, Schaffner F, Medlock JM, Berriatua E, Balenghien T, Mihalca AD, Hendrickx G, Marsboom C, Van Bortel W, Smallegange RC, Sprong H, Gossner CM, Czwienczek E, Dhollander S, Briët O, Wint W. 2022. VectorNet: Putting vectors on the map. Frontiers in Public Health 10:10.3389/fpubh.2022.809763.
  21. Péter A, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2022. Annotated checklist of the bat flies (Diptera: Nycteribiidae) of Romania. Zootaxa 5120:111-127.
  22. Mironov SV, González-Solís J, Mihalca AD, Ștefan LM. 2022. Feather mites of the genus Brephosceles Hull, 1934 (Acariformes: Alloptidae) from the European storm petrel Hydrobates pelagicus (Procellariiformes: Hydrobatidae). Systematic and Applied Acarology 27(7):1273-1294.
  23. Bendjeddou ML, Bouam I, Aulagnier S, Abdelaziz SE, Etayeb K, Mihalca AD, Sandor AD. 2022. First record of the lesser horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus hipposideros (Borkhausen, 1797), in Libya and potential distribution in North Africa. Mammalia 86:328-333.
  24. Péter A, Mihalca AD, Haelewaters D, Sándor AD. 2022. Focus on hyperparasites: Biotic and abiotic traits affecting the prevalence of parasitic microfungi on bat ectoparasites. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:10.3389/fevo.2022.795020.

2021 (Total = 24)

  1. Kalmár Z, Briciu VT, Coroian M, Flonta M, Rădulescu AL, Topan A, Mihalca AD, Lupșe M. 2021. Seroprevalence of antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. in healthy blood donors in Romania - an update. Parasites & Vectors 14:596.
  2. Ungur A, Cazan CD, Panait LC, Taulescu M, Balmoș OM, Mihaiu M, Bărbuceanu F, Mihalca AD, Cătoi C. 2021. Genotyping of African swine fever virus (ASFV) isolates in Romania with the first report of genotype II in symptomatic pigs. Veterinary Sciences 8:290.
  3. Safarov A. Akramova F, Azimov D, Mihalca AD, Ionică AM. 2021. Updates on the distribution and host spectrum of Dirofilaria repens in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Parasitology Research 120:3987-3992.
  4. Deak G, Berriatua E, Mihalca AD. 2021. The current situation of Angiostrongylus vasorum in Romania: a national questionnaire-based survey. BMC Veterinary Research 17:323.
  5. Matei IA, Ivan T, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Deak G, Nadăș GC, Novac CS, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2021. Anaplasma phagocytophilum in multiple tissue samples of wild carnivores in Romania. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57(4):949-953.
  6. Cazan CD, Horváth C, Panait LC, Porea D, Marinov M, Alexe V, Mihalca AD. 2021. Seasonal dynamics of Phlebotomus neglectus (Diptera: Psychodidae) in cave microhabitats in Romania and the rediscovery of Sergentomyia minuta (Rondani, 1843) after 50 years. Parasites & Vectors 14:476.
  7. Deak G, Moroni B, Boncea AM, Rambozzi L, Rossi L, Mihalca AD. 2021. Successful treatment of sarcoptic mange in European camelids. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8:742543.
  8. Cazan CD, Sándor AD, Kasap OE, Alten B, Mihalca AD. 2021. Sand fly fauna of South-Eastern Romania, with the description of Phlebotomus (Transphlebotomus) simonahalepae n. sp. (Diptera: Psychodidae). Parasites & Vectors 14:448.
  9. Boros Z, Ionică AM, Deak G, Mihalca AD, Chișamera G, Constantinescu IC, Adam C, Gherman CM, Cozma V. 2021. Trichinella spp. infection in European polecats (Mustela putorius Linnaeus, 1758) from Romania. Helminthologia 58:323-327.
  10. Borșan SD, Trif SR, Mihalca AD. 2021. Recreational behaviour, risk perceptions, and protective practices against ticks: a cross-sectional comparative study before and during the lockdown enforced by the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 14:423.
  11. Panait LC, Hrazdilová K, Ionică AM, Deak G, Chişamera GB, Adam C, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2021. Babesia pisicii n. sp. and Babesia canis infect European wild cats, Felis silvestris, in Romania. Microorganisms 9:1474.
  12. Sándor AD, Mihalca AD, Domșa C, Péter A, Hornok S. 2021. Argasid ticks of Palearctic bats: distribution, host selection and zoonotic importance. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8:684737.
  13. Horváth C, Cazan CD, Mihalca AD. 2021. Emergence of the invasive Asian bush mosquito, Aedes (Finlaya) japonicus japonicus, in an urban area, Romania. Parasites & Vectors 14:192.
  14. Matei IA, Corduneanu A, Sándor AD, Ionică AM, Panait L, Kalmár Z, Ivan T, Papuc I, Bouari C, Fit N, Mihalca AD. 2021. Rickettsia spp. in bats of Romania: high prevalence of Rickettsia monacensis in two insectivorous bat species. Parasites & Vectors 14:107.
  15. Borșan SD, Ionică AM, Galon C, Toma-Naic A, Peștean C, Sándor AD, Moutailler S, Mihalca AD. 2021. High diversity, prevalence, and (co)-infection rates of tick-borne pathogens in ticks and wildlife hosts in an urban area in Romania. Frontiers in Microbiology 12:645002.
  16. Deak G, Ionică AM, Szasz I, Taulescu M, Mihalca AD. 2021. A case of inguinal hernia associated with atypical Dirofilaria repens infection in a dog. Parasites & Vectors 13:125.
  17. De Meneghi D, Chiesa F, Bellato A, Tomassone L, Savic S, Mihalca AD, Modrý D, Häsler B. 2021. A survey on One Health collaboration between human, animal and environmental health sectors in Europe and neighboring areas. Frontiers in Public Health 9:609949.
  18. Deak G, Ionică MA, Oros NV, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2021. Thelazia rhodesi in a dairy farm in Romania and successful treatment using eprinomectin. Parasitology International 80: 102183.
  19. Sándor AD, Péter A, Corduneanu A, Barti L, Csősz I, Kalmár Z, Hornok S, Kontschán J, Mihalca AD. 2021. Wide distribution and diversity of malaria parasites (Polychromophilus spp.) in bats and their ectoparasites in Eastern Europe. Microorganisms 9:230.
  20. Péter A, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2021. First report of the bat fly species Basilia italica in Romania. Biodiversity Data Journal 9:e57680.
  21. Panait LC, Mihalca AD, Modrý D, Juránková J, Ionică AM, Deak G, Gherman CM, Heddergott M, Hodžić A, Veronesi F, Reichard M, Zieman EA, Nielsen CK, Jiménez-Ruiz FA, Hrazdilová K. 2021. Three new species of Cytauxzoon in European wild felids. Veterinary Parasitology 290: 109344.
  22. Khodadadi N, Nabavi R, Sarani A, Saadati D, Ganjali M, Mihalca AD, Otranto D, Sazmand A. 2021. Identification of Anaplasma marginale in long-eared hedgehogs (Hemiechinus auritus) and their Rhipicephalus turanicus ticks in Iran. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 12:101641.
  23. Corduneanu A, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD, Hornok S, Malmberg M, Pin Viso N, Bongcam-Rudloff E. 2021. The heart microbiome of insectivorous bats from Central and South Eastern Europe. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 75:101605.
  24. Mechouk N, Deak D, Ionică AM, Ionescu DT, Chișamera GB, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2021. Subcutaneous ticks: first report in a golden jackal and their absence in non-canid carnivores. Parasites & Vectors 14:5.

2020 (Total = 14)

  1. Boros Z, Ionică AM, Deak G, Mihalca AD, Chișamera GB, Györke A, Gherman CM, Cozma V. 2020. The European badger, Meles meles, as a new host for Trichinella britovi in Romania. Veterinary Parasitology 288:109301.
  2. Coroian M, Petrić M, Pistol A, Sirbu A, Domșa C, Mihalca AD. 2020. Human West Nile meningo-encephalitis in a highly endemic country: a complex epidemiological analysis on biotic and abiotic risk factors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, 8250.
  3. Pacheco I, Acevedo P, Prado E, Mihalca AD, De La Fuente J. 2020. Targeting the exoskeleton elementome to track tick geographic origins. Frontiers in Physiology 11:572758.
  4. Borșan SD, Toma-Naic A, Péter A, Sándor AD, Peștean C, Mihalca AD. 2020. Impact of abiotic factors, habitat type, and urban wildlife on the ecology of hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in urban and peri-urban habitats. Parasites & Vectors 13:476.
  5. Deak G, Gherman CM, Ionică AM, Péter Á, Sándor AD, Mihalca AD. 2020. Biotic and abiotic factors influencing the prevalence, intensity and distribution of respiratory nematodes in red foxes, Vulpes vulpes from Romania. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 12:121-125.
  6. Deak G, Ionică AM, Nădășan-Cozma G, Mihalca AD. 2020. Dermatobia hominis in a dog imported from Brazil to Romania. Parasites & Vectors 13:386.
  7. Panait LC, Stock G, Globokar M, Balzer J, Groth B, Mihalca AD, Pantchev N. 2020. First report of Cytauxzoon sp. infection in Germany: organism description and molecular confirmation in a domestic cat. Parasitology Research 119:3005-3011.
  8. Marian I, Ionică AM, Deak G, Ursache T, Lefkaditis M, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2020. The effect of Trichinella spiralis on muscular activity of experimentally infected mice. Parasitology International 76:102032.
  9. Păstrav IR, Domșa C, Mihalca AD. 2020. Synopsis of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of Romania. Zootaxa 4772:54-88.
  10. Langenwalder DB, Schmidt S, Silaghi C, Skuballa J, Pantchev N, Matei IA, Mihalca AD, Gilli U, Zajkowska J, Ganter M, Hoffman T, Salaneck E, Petrovec M, von Loewenich FD. 2020. The absence of the Drhm gene is not a marker for human pathogenicity in European Anaplasma phagocytophilum strains. Parasites & Vectors 13:238.
  11. Kalmár Z, Dumitrache MO, D'Amico G, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Gherman CM, Lupşe M, Mihalca AD. 2020. Multiple tick-borne pathogens in Ixodes ricinus ticks collected from humans in Romania. Pathogens 9: 390.
  12. Corduneanu A, Ursache TD, Taulescu M, Sevastre B, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2020. Detection of DNA of Babesia canis in tissues of laboratory rodents following oral inoculation with infected ticks. Parasites & Vectors 13:166.
  13. Fălcuţă E, Prioteasa FL, Horváth C, Păstrav IR, Schaffner F, Mihalca AD. 2020. The invasive Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus in Romania: towards a country-wide colonization. Parasitology Research 119:841-845.
  14. Rehbein S, Mihalca AD. 2020. Letter: First report of the dog louse flies, Hippobosca longipennis in Romania. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 335:251-253.

2019 (Total = 11)

  1. Sandor AD, Corduneanu A, Péter A, Mihalca AD, Barti L, Csősz I, Szőke K, Hornok S. 2019. Bats and ticks: Host selection and seasonality of bat-specialist ticks in Eastern Europe. Parasites & Vectors 12:605.
  2. Mihalca AD, Păstrav IR, Sándor AD, Deak G, Gherman CM, Sarmaşi A, Votýpka J. 2019. First report of the dog louse flies, Hippobosca longipennis in Romania. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 33:530-535.
  3. Gherman CM, Ionică AM, Deak G, Chișamera GB, Mihalca AD. 2019. Co-infection with Angiostrongylus chabaudi and Dirofilaria immitis in a wildcat, Felis silvestris from Romania. Acta Veterinaria Brno 88:303-306.
  4. Kalmár Z, Sándor AD, Matei IA, Ionică A, D'Amico G, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2019. Borrelia spp. in small mammals in Romania. Parasites & Vectors. 12:461.
  5. Stejskalova K, Janova E, Horecky C, Horecka E, Vaclavek P, Hubalek Z, Relling K, Cvanova M, D'Amico G, Mihalca AD, Modrý D, Knoll A, Horin P. 2019. Associations between the presence of specific antibodies to the West Nile Virus infection and candidate genes in Romanian horses from the Danube Delta. Molecular Biology Reports 46:4453-4461.
  6. Ionică AM, Deak G, D'Amico G, Stan GF, Chișamera GB, Constantinescu IC, Adam C, Lefkaditis M, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2019. Thelazia callipaeda in mustelids from Romania with the European badgers, Meles meles as new host for this parasite. Parasites & Vectors 12: 370.
  7. Cazan CD, Păstrav IR, Ionică AM, Oguz G, Kasap OE, Dvorak V, Halada P, Dumitrache MO, Volf P, Alten B, Mihalca AD. 2019. Updates on the distribution and diversity of sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 12:247.
  8. Deak G, Gillis-Germitsch N, Ionică AM, Mara A, Păstrav IR, Cazan CD, Ioniță M, Mitrea LI, Răileanu C, Bărburaș D, Nedișan M, Oachiș R, Cozma V, Schaper R, Schnyder M, Mihalca AD. 2019. The first seroepidemiological survey for Angiostrongylus vasorum in domestic dogs from Romania. Parasites & Vectors 12:224.
  9. Chanove E, Ionică AM, Hochman D, Berchtold F, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2019. Severe coenurosis caused by larvae of Taenia serialis in an olive baboon (Papio anubis) in Benin. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 9:134-138.
  10. Cazan CD, Păstrav IR, Györke A, Oguz G, Alten B, Mihalca AD. 2019. Seasonal dynamics of a population of Phlebotomus (Larroussius) perfiliewi Parrot, 1930 (Diptera: Psychodidae) in North-Eastern Romania. Parasitology Research 118:1371-1384.
  11. Lawrence AL, Webb CE, Clark NJ, Halajian A, Mihalca AD, Miret J, D'Amico G, Brown G, Kumsa B, Modrý D, Šlapeta J. 2019. Out-of-Africa, human-mediated dispersal of the common cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis: The hitchhiker's guide to world domination. International Journal for Parasitology 49:321-336.

2018 (Total = 12)

  1. Estrada-Pena A, Cutler S, Potkonjak A, Vayssier-Taussat M, Van Bortel W, Zeller H, Fernández-Ruiz N, Mihalca AD. 2018. An updated meta-analysis of the distribution and prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. in ticks in Europe. International Journal of Health Geographics 17:41.
  2. Deak G, Mihalca AD, Hirzmann J, Colella V, Tăbăran FA, Cavalera MA, Brudașcă FG, Bauer C, Ionică AM, Alić A, Otranto D, Gherman CM. 2018. Validity of genus Perostrongylus Schlegel, 1934 with new data on Perostrongylus falciformis in European badgers, Meles meles: distribution, life-cycle and pathology. Parasites & Vectors 11:568.
  3. Ionică AM, Deak G, Matei IA, D'Amico G, Cotuțiu V, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2018. Thelazia callipaeda, an endemic parasite of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in western Romania. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 54:829-833.
  4. Vychodilova L, Necesankova M, Albrechtová K, Hlavac J, Modry D, Janova E, Vyskocil M, Mihalca AD, Kennedy LJ, Horin P. 2018. Genetic diversity and population structure of African village 1 dogs based on microsatellite and immunity-related molecular markers. PLoS One 3(6): e0199506.
  5. Păstrav IR, Ionică AM, Peștean C, D'Amico G, Novakova E, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2018. Peripheral venous vs. capillary microfilariaemia in a dog co-infected with Dirofilaria repens and D. immitis: a comparative approach using triatomine bugs for blood collection. Veterinary Parasitology 257:54-57.
  6. Pačuta A, Žagar A; Kočíková B, Majláthová V, Mihalca AD, Majláth I. 2018. Time matters. Locomotor behavior of Lacerta viridis and Lacerta agilis in an open field maze. Acta Ethologica 21:91-99.
  7. Domșa C, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2018. Modeling the distribution of Ixodes ricinus in Romania. North-Western Journal of Zoology 14:25-29.
  8. D'Amico G, Estrada-Peña A, Kalmár Z, Fuh T, Petrželková K, Mihalca AD. 2018. Redescription of the adult stages of Ixodes (Afrixodes) rasus Neumann 1899, with notes on its phylogenetic position within genus Ixodes. Tick and Tick-Borne Diseases 9:654-659.
  9. Daskalaki AA, Ionică AM, Deak G, Gherman CM, D'Amico G, Păstrav IR, Matei IA, Domșa C, Mihalca AD. 2018. Environmental factors influencing the distribution of "Theileria annae" in red foxes, Vulpes vulpes in Romania. Tick and Tick-Borne Diseases 9:660-664.
  10. Matei IA, D'Amico G, Ionică AM, Kalmar Z, Corduneanu A, Sandor AD, Fit N, Bogdan L, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2018. New records for Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in small mammals species. Parasites & Vectors 11:193.
  11. Constantinescu IC, Chișamera GB, Yao PK, Hilare YB, Adam C, D'Amico G, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2018. Description of two new species of the feather mite family Pteronyssidae Oudemans, 1941 (Acarina: Psoroptidia) from Ivory Coast. Systematic Parasitology 95:281-292.
  12. Daskalaki AA, Ionică AM, Jeetah K, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2018. Molecular confirmation of Hepatozoon canis in Mauritius. Acta Tropica 177:116-117.

2017 (Total = 23)

  1. Corduneanu A, Hrazdilová K, Sándor AD, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Barti L, Ciocănău MA, Măntoiu DS, Coroiu I, Hornok S, Fuehrer HP, Leitner N, Bagó Z, Stefke K, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2017. Babesia vesperuginis, a neglected piroplasmid: new host and geographical records, and phylogenetic relations. Parasites & Vectors 10:598.
  2. Deak G, Ionică AM, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM. 2017. Troglostrongylus brevior: a new parasite for Romania. Parasites & Vectors 10:599.
  3. Colella V, Cavalera MA, Deak G, Tarallo VD, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD, Otranto D. 2017. Larval development of Angiostrongylus chabaudi, the causative agent of feline angiostrongylosis, in the snail Cornu aspersum. Parasitology 144:1922-1930.
  4. Salat J, Mihalca AD, Mihaiu M, Modrý D, Ruzek D. 2017. Tick-borne encephalitis in sheep, Romania. Emerging Infectious Diseases 23(12):2065-2067.
  5. Foley P, Foley J, Sándor AD, Ionică AM, Matei IA, D'Amico G, Gherman CM, Domșa C, Mihalca AD. 2017. Diversity of flea (Siphonaptera) parasites on red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Romania. Journal of Medical Entomology 54:1243-1250.
  6. Giannelli A, Capelli G, Joachim A, Hinney B, Losson B, Kirkova Z, Martellet MR, Papadopoulos E, Farkas R, Brianti E, Tamponi C, Varcasia A, Alho AM, Madeira de Carvalho L, Cardoso L, Maia C, Mircean V, Mihalca AD, Miróò G, Schnyder M, Cantacessi C, Colella V, Cavalera MA, Latrofa S, Annoscia G, Halos L, Knaus M, Beugnet F, Otranto D. 2017. Lungworms and gastrointestinal parasites of domestic cats: a European perspective. International Journal for Parasitology 47:517-528.
  7. Ionică AM, Matei IA, D'Amico G, Ababii J, Daskalaki AA, Sandor AD, Enache DV, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2017. Filarioid infections in wild carnivores: a multispecies survey in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 10:332.
  8. Deak G, Gherman CM, Ionică AM, Vezendan AD, D'Amico G, Matei IA, Daskalaki AA, Marian I, Damian A, Cozma V, Mihalca AD. 2017. Angiostrongylus vasorum in Romania: an extensive survey in red foxes, Vulpes vulpes. Parasites & Vectors 10:330.
  9. Ionică AM, Zittra C, Wimmer V, Leitner N, Votýpka J, Modrý D, Mihalca AD, Fuehrer HP. 2017. Mosquitoes in the Danube Delta: searching for vectors of filarioid helminths and avian malaria. Parasites & Vectors 10:324.
  10. Mitková B, Hrazdilová K, D'Amico G, Duscher GG, Suchentrunk F, Forejtek P, Gherman CM, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Daskalaki AA, Mihalca AD, Votýpka J, Hulva P, Modrý D. 2017. Eurasian golden jackal as host of canine vector-borne protists. Parasites & Vectors 10:183.
  11. Sándor AD, D'Amico G, Gherman CM, Dumitrache MO, Domșa C, Mihalca AD. 2017. Mesocarnivores and macroparasites: altitude and land-use predict the ticks occurring on red foxes (Vulpes vulpes). Parasites & Vectors 10:173.
  12. Ionică AM, Matei IA, D'Amico G, Bel LV, Dumitrache MO, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2017. Dirofilaria immitis and D. repens show circadian co-periodicity in naturally co-infected dogs. Parasites & Vectors 10:116.
  13. Rüegg SR, McMahon BJ, Haesler B, Esposito R, Nielsen LR, Speranza CI, Ehlinger T, Peyre M, Aragrande M, Zinsstag J, Davies P, Mihalca AD, Buttigieg SC, Rushton J, Carmo LP, De Meneghi D, Canali M, Filippitzi ME, Goutard FL, Ilieski V, Milicevic D, O'Shea F, Radeski M, Kock, Staines RA, Lindberg A. 2017. A blueprint to evaluate One Health. Frontiers in Public Health 5:20.
  14. Estrada-Peña A, D'Amico G, Palomar AM, Dupraz M, Fonville M, Heylen D, Habela MA, Hornok S, Lempereur L, Madder M, Núncio MS, Otranto D, Pfaffle M, Plantard O, Santos-Silva MM, Sprong H, Vatansever Z, Vial L, Mihalca AD. 2017. A comparative test of ixodid tick identification by a network of European researchers. Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases 8:540-546.
  15. D'Amico G, Dumitrache MO, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Gherman CM, Sándor AD, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2017. Ixodid ticks parasitizing wild carnivores in Romania. Experimental and Applied Acarology 71:139-149.
  16. Matei IA, Kalmár Z, Lupșe M, D'Amico G, Ionică AM, Dumitrache MO, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2017. The risk of exposure to rickettsial infections and human granulocytic anaplasmosis associated with Ixodes ricinus tick bites in humans in Romania: a multiannual study. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 8:375-378.
  17. Răileanu C, Moutailler S, Pavel I, Porea D, Mihalca AD, Săvuță G, Vayssier-Taussat M. 2017. Borrelia diversity and co-infection with other tick borne pathogens in ticks. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 7:36.
  18. Briciu VT, Ţăţulescu DF, Năstase V, Flonta M, Meyer F, Sebah D, Cârstina D, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM, Hizo-Teufel C, Huber I, Fingerle V, Lupșe MS. 2017. Clinical and serological one-year follow up of patients after the bite of Ixodes ricinus ticks infected with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Infectious Diseases 49(4):277-285.
  19. D'Amico G, Juránková J, Tăbăran FA, Frgelecová L, Forejtek P, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Hodžić A, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2017. Occurrence of ticks in the subcutaneous tissue of red foxes, Vulpes vulpes in Czech Republic and Romania. Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases 8(2):309-312.
  20. Matei IA, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Corduneanu A, Daskalaki AA, Lefkaditis M, Mihalca AD. 2017. Altitudinal-dependent prevalence of canine granulocytic anaplasmosis in Romania. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 17(2):147-151.
  21. Matei IA, Stuen S, Modrý D, Degan A, D'Amico G, Mihalca AD. 2017. Neonatal Anaplasma platys infection in puppies: Further evidence for possible vertical transmission? The Veterinary Journal 219:40-41.
  22. Rehbein S, Knaus M, Mallouk Y, Breiltgens T, Brianti E, Capári B, Dantas-Torres F, Gau M, Joachim A, Kaulfuß KH, Kirkova Z, Lechner J, Mihalca AD, Mirabito R, Petkevičius S. 2017. Efficacy against nematode infections and safety of afoxolaner plus milbemycin oxime chewable tablets in domestic dogs under field conditions in Europe. Parasitology Research 116:259-269.
  23. Deak G, Gherman CM, Ionică AM, Daskalaki AA, Matei IA, D'Amico G, Domșa C, Pantchev N, Mihalca AD, Cozma V. 2017. Use of a commercial serologic test for Angiostrongylus vasorum for the detection of A. chabaudi in wildcats and A. daskalovi in badgers. Veterinary Parasitology 233:107-110.

2016 (Total = 16)

  1. Mitková B, Hrazdilová K, Steinbauer V, D'Amico G, Mihalca AD, Modrý D. 2016. Autochthonous Hepatozoon infection in hunting dogs and foxes from the Czech Republic. Parasitology Research 115:4167-4171.
  2. Constantinescu IC, Chișamera Gb, Yao PK, Hilare YB, Adam C, D'Amico G, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2016. Anhemialges suteui n. sp. (Astigmata: Analgidae) from Hylia prasina (Passeriformes, Macrosphenidae) in Ivory Coast. Systematic Parasitology 93:771-780.
  3. Gherman CM, Deak G, Matei IA, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Taulescu M, Barbu-Tudoran L, Sarmasi A, Mihalca AD; Cozma V. 2016. A rare cardiopulmonary parasite of European badgers (Meles meles): first description of the larvae, ultrastructure, pathological changes and molecular identification of Angiostrongylus daskalovi (Janchev and Genov 1988). Parasites & Vectors 9:423.
  4. Mihalca AD, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Daskalaki AA, Deak G, Matei IA, Șimonca V, Iordache D, Modrý D. Gherman CM. 2016. Thelazia callipaeda in wild carnivores from Romania: new host and geographical records. Parasites & Vectors 9:350.
  5. Gallusová M, Jirsová D, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM, D'Amico G, Qablan MA, Modrý D. 2016. Cytauxzoon Infections in Wild Felids from Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic Space: Further Evidence for a Different Cytauxzoon Species in European Felids. Journal of Parasitology 102:377-380.
  6. Gherman CM, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Otranto D, Mihalca AD. 2016. Cardio-pulmonary nematode Angiostrongylus chabaudi (Biocca, 1957) in wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris, S) from Romania: case report. Parasitology Research 115: 2511-2517.
  7. Dumitrache MO, Nachum-Biala Y, Gilad M, Mircean V, Cazan CD, Mihalca AD, Baneth G. 2016. The quest for canine leishmaniasis in Romania: presence of an autochthonous focus with subclinical infections in an area where disease occurred. Parasites & Vectors 9:297.
  8. Mărcuţan ID, Kalmár Z, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Mihalca AD, Cozma V, Sandor AD. 2016. Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae in ticks of migratory birds in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 9:294.
  9. Briciu VT, Sebah D, Coroiu G, Lupşe M, Cârstina D, Ţăţulescu DF, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM, Leucuţa D, Meyer F, Hizo-Teufel C, Fingerle V, Huber I. 2016. Immunohistochemistry and real-time PCR as diagnostic tools for detection of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in ticks collected from humans. Experimental and Applied Acarology 69:49-60.
  10. Ionică AM, Matei IA, D'Amico G, Daskalaki AA, Juránková J; Ionescu DT, Mihalca AD, Modrý D, Gherman CM. 2016. Role of golden jackals (Canis aureus) as natural reservoirs of Dirofilaria spp. in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 9:240.
  11. Matei IA, D'Amico G, Yao PK, Ionică AM, Kanyari PWN, Daskalaki AA, Dumitrache MO, Sandor AD, Gherman CM, Qablan M, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2016. Molecular detection of Anaplasma platys infection in free-roaming dogs and ticks from Kenya and Ivory Coast. Parasites & Vectors 9:157.
  12. Ioniță M, Mitrea IL, Ionică AM, Morariu S, Mihalca AD. 2016. New cases of Thelazia callipaeda Haplotype 1 in dogs suggest a wider distribution in Romania. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 16:172-175.
  13. Chițimia-Dobler L, D'Amico G, Kouassi Yao P, Kalmár Z, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD, Estrada-Peña A. 2016. Description of the male, redescription of the female and 16S rDNA sequence of Ixodes aulacodi Arthur, 1956 (Ixodidae). Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 7:433-438.
  14. Domșa C, Sandor AD, Mihalca AD. 2016. Climate change and species distribution: possible scenarios for thermophilic ticks in Romania. Geospatial Health 11:421.
  15. Colella V, Kirkova Z, Fok E, Mihalca AD, Tasić-Otašević S, Hodžic A, Dantas-Torres F, Otranto D. 2016. Increase in Eyeworm Infections in Eastern Europe. Emerging Infectious Diseases 22:1513-1514.
  16. Kalmár Z, Sprong H, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM, Coipan EC, Fonville M, Cozma V. 2016. Circulation of Borrelia miyamotoi and Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis in questing Ixodes ricinus, Romania. Emerging Infectious Diseases 22(3):550-551.

2015 (Total = 12)

  1. Dumitrache MO, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Kalmár Z, D'Amico G, Sikó-Barabási S, Ionescu DT, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2015. Molecular detection of Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato genospecies in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from Romania. Parasites & Vectors 8:514.
  2. Magdaş C, Magdaş VA, Mihalca AD, Baciu H, Gherman CM, Ştefănuţ CL, Lefkaditis M, Cozma V. 2015. Laboratory development of Dermacentor marginatus ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) at two different temperatures. Experimental and Applied Acarology 67(2):308-315.
  3. Votýpka J, Rádrová J, Skalický T, Jirků M, Jirsová D, Mihalca AD, D´Amico G, Petrželková KJ, Modrý D, Lukeš J. 2015. A tsetse and tabanid fly survey of African great apes habitats reveals the presence of a novel trypanosome lineage but the absence of Trypanosoma brucei. International Journal for Parasitology 45:741-748.
  4. Mihalca AD. 2015. Ticks imported to Europe with exotic reptiles. Veterinary Parasitology 213:67-71.
  5. Hornok S, Estrada-Peña A, Kontschán J, Plantard O, Kunz B, Mihalca AD, Thabah A, Tomanovic S, Burazerovic J, Takács N, Görföl T, Estók P, Tan TV, Szőke K, Fernández de Mera IG, de la Fuente J, Takahashi M, Yamauchi T, Takano A. 2015. High degree of mitochondrial gene heterogeneity in the bat tick species Ixodes vespertilionis, I. ariadnae and I. simplex from Eurasia. Parasites & Vectors 8:457.
  6. D'Amico G, Dumitrache MO, Široký P, Albrechtová K, Sloboda M, Domșa C, Sándor AD, Balázsi R, Kanyari PWN, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2015. Altitudinal and seasonal differences of tick communities in dogs from pastoralist tribes of Northern Kenya. Veterinary Parasitology 212:318–323.
  7. Lawrence AL, Hii SF, Jirsová D, Panáková L, Ionică AM, Gilchrist K, Modrý D, Mihalca AD, Webb CE, Traub RJ, Šlapeta J. 2015. Integrated morphological and molecular identification of cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) and dog fleas (Ctenocephalides canis) vectoring Rickettsia felis in central Europe. Veterinary Parasitology 210:215-223.
  8. Ionică AM, Matei IA, Mircean V, Dumitrache MO, D'Amico G, Györke A, Pantchev N, Annoscia G, Albrechtová K, Otranto D, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2015. Current surveys on the prevalence and distribution of Dirofilaria spp. and Acanthocheilonema reconditum infections in dogs in Romania. Parasitology Research 114:975-982.
  9. Kalmár Z, Cozma V, Sprong H, Jahfari S, D'Amico G, Mărcuțan DI, Ionică AM, Magdaş C, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2015. Transstadial transmission of Borrelia turcica in Hyalomma aegyptium ticks. PLoS One 10(2):e0115520.
  10. Mihalca AD, D'Amico G, Scurtu I, Chirilă R, Matei IA, Ionică AM. 2015. Further spreading of canine oriental eyeworm in Europe: first report of Thelazia callipaeda in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 8:48.
  11. Matei IA, Kalmár Z, Magdaş C, Magdaş V, Toray H, Dumitrache MO, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Sándor A, Mărcuțan DI, Domşa C, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2015. Anaplasma phagocytophilum in questing Ixodes ricinus ticks from Romania. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 6:408-413.
  12. Durden LA, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD, Kanyari PWN. 2015. A new species of sucking louse (Phthiraptera: Anoplura: Linognathidae) from Günther's dikdik (Madoqua guentheri) in Kenya. Journal of Parasitology 101(2):140-144.

2014 (Total = 12)

  1. Gallusová M, Qablan MA, D'Amico G, Oborník M, Petrželková KJ, Mihalca AD, Modrý D. 2014. Piroplasms in feral and domestic equines in rural areas of Danube Delta, Romania with survey of dogs as possible reservoir. Veterinary Parasitology 206:287-292.
  2. Miclăuș V, Gal AF, Cătoi C, Mihalca AD. 2014. Severe granulomatous gastric lesions following migration of Spiroxys contortus larvae (Nematoda: Spirurida) in European pond turtles, Emys orbicularis. Helminthologia 51(3):225-229.
  3. Oltean M, Kalmár Z, Kiss BJ, Marinov M, Vasile A, Sándor AD, Domşa C, Gherman CM, Boireau P, Cozma V, Mihalca AD, Rosenthal BM. 2014. European Mustelids occupying pristine wetlands in the Danube Delta harbor infections with Trichinella likely derived from domesticated swine. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 50(4):972-975.
  4. Sándor AD, Dumitrache MO, D'Amico G, Kiss BJ, Mihalca AD. 2014. Rhipicephalus rossicus and not R. sanguineus is the dominant tick species of dogs in the wetlands of the Danube Delta, Romania. Veterinary Parasitology 204(3-4):430-432.
  5. Briciu VT, Meyer F, Sebah D, Ţăţulescu DF, Coroiu G, Lupșe M, Cârstina D, Mihalca AD, Hizo-Teufel C, Klier C, Huber I, Fingerle V. 2014. Real-time PCR based identification of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato species in ticks collected from humans in Romania. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 5(5):575-581.
  6. Şuteu O, Mihalca AD, Paştiu AI, Györke A, Matei IA, Ionică A, Balea A, Oltean M, D'Amico G, Barabási Sikó S, Ionescu DT, Gherman CM, Cozma V. 2014. A glance into the wild: red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Romania are carriers for Toxoplasma gondii but not Neospora caninum. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 50(3):713-716.
  7. Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Mitková B, Kalmár Z, Annoscia G, Otranto D, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2014. First report of Cercopithifilaria spp. in dogs from Eastern Europe with an overview of their geographic distribution in Europe. Parasitology Research 113:2761-2764.
  8. Hornok S, Kontschán J, Kováts D, Kovács R, Angyal D, Görföl T, Polacsek Z, Kalmár Z, Mihalca AD. 2014. Bat ticks revisited: Ixodes ariadnae sp. nov. and allopatric genotypes of I. vespertilionis in caves of Hungary. Parasites & Vectors 7:202.
  9. Lefkaditis MA, Paştiu AI, Rodi-Buriel A, Sossidou AV, Panorias AH, Eleftheriadis TG, Cozma V, Mihalca AD. 2014. Helminth burden in stray cats from Thessaloniki, Greece. Helminthologia 51:73-76.
  10. Mircean V, Dumitrache MO, Mircean M, Bolfă P., Györke A, Mihalca AD. 2014. Autochthonous canine leishmaniasis in Romania: neglected or (re)emerging? Parasites & Vectors 7:135.
  11. Sándor AD, Mărcuţan DI, D'Amico G, Gherman CM, Dumitrache MO, Mihalca AD. 2014. Do the ticks of birds at an important migratory hotspot reflect the seasonal dynamics of Ixodes ricinus at the migration initiation site? A case study in the Danube Delta. PLoS One 9(2):e89378.
  12. Dumitrache MO, Kiss B, Dantas-Torres F, Latrofa MS, D'Amico G, Sándor AD, Mihalca AD. 2014. Seasonal dynamics of Rhipicephalus rossicus attacking domestic dogs from the steppic region of southeastern Romania. Parasites & Vectors 7:97.

2013 (Total = 6)

  1. Dabert J, Dabert M, Gal AF, Miclăuș V, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2013. Multidisciplinary analysis of Knemidocoptes jamaicensis parasitising the Common Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs: proofs for a multispecies complex? Parasitology Research 112:2373-2380.
  2. Tăbăran F, Sándor AD, Marinov M, Cătoi C, Mihalca AD. 2013. Alaria alata infection in European mink. Emerging Infectious Diseases 19:1547-1549.
  3. D'Amico G, Mihalca AD, Domşa C, Albrechtová́ K, Sándor AD, Modrý́ D. 2013. Taming the beast: rabies control in the cradle of mankind. Geospatial Health 7:409-411.
  4. Dumitrache MO, Paștiu AI, Kalmár Z, Mircean V, Sándor AD, Gherman CM, Peștean C, Mihalca AD, Cozma V. 2013. Northern white-breasted hedgehogs Erinaceus roumanicus as hosts for ticks infected with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and Anaplasma phagocytophilum in Romania. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 4:214-217.
  5. Kalmár Z, Mihalca AD, Dumitrache MO, Gherman CM, Magdaș C, Mircean V, Oltean M, Domşa C, Matei IA, Mărcuţan DI, Sándor AD, D'Amico G, Paștiu A, Györke A, Gavrea R, Marosi B, Ionică A, Burkhardt E, Toriay H, Cozma V. 2013. Geographical distribution and prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi genospecies in questing Ixodes ricinus from Romania: a countrywide study. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 4:403-408.
  6. Miclăuş V, Mihalca AD, Gal AF, Cătoi C. 2013. Mesothelial metaplasia in European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis (Testudines: Emydidae) infected with Spiroxys contortus (Nematoda: Spirurida). Helminthologia 50:104-107.

2012 (Total = 11)

  1. Paştiu AI, Matei IA, Mihalca AD, D'Amico G, Dumitrache MO, Kalmár Z, Sándor AD, Gherman CM, Cozma V. 2012. Zoonotic pathogens associated with Hyalomma aegyptium in endangered tortoises: evidence for host-switching behaviour in ticks? Parasites & Vectors 5:301.
  2. Mihalca AD, Dumitrache MO, Sándor AD, Magdaş C, Oltean M, Györke A, Matei IA, Ionică A, D'Amico G, Cozma V, Gherman CM. 2012. Tick parasites of rodents in Romania: host preferences, community structure and geographical distribution. Parasites & Vectors 5:266.
  3. Rinaldi L, Capasso M, Mihalca AD, Cirillo R, Cringoli G, Cacciò S. 2012. Prevalence and molecular identification of Cryptosporidium isolates from pet lizards and snakes in Italy. Parasite 19:437-440.
  4. Mihalca AD, Gherman CM, Magdaş C, Dumitrache MO, Györke A, Sándor AD, Domşa C, Oltean M, Mircean V, Mărcuţan DI, D'Amico G, Păduraru AO, Cozma V. 2012. Ixodes ricinus is the dominant questing tick in forest habitats from Romania: the results from a countrywide dragging campaign. Experimental and Applied Acarology 58:175-182.
  5. Mihalca AD, Dumitrache MO, Magdaş C, Gherman CM, Domşa C, Mircean V, Ghira IV, Pocora V, Ionescu DT, Sikó Barabási S, Cozma V, Sándor AD. 2012. Synopsis of the hard-ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) of Romania with update on host associations and geographical distribution. Experimental and Applied Acarology 58:183-206.
  6. Gherman CM, Sándor AD, Kalmár Z, Marinov M, Mihalca AD. 2012. First report of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in two threatened carnivores: the Marbled polecat, Vormela peregusna and European mink, Mustela lutreola (Mammalia: Mustelidae). BMC Veterinary Research 8:137.
  7. Mircean V, Dumitrache MO, Györke A, Pantchev N, Jodies R, Mihalca AD, Cozma V. 2012. Seroprevalence and geographic distribution of Dirofilaria immitis and tick-borne infections (Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and Ehrlichia canis) in dogs from Romania. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 12:595-603.
  8. Gherman CM, Mihalca AD, Dumitrache MO, Györke A, Oroian I, Sandor M, Cozma V. 2012. CO2 flagging - an improved method for the collection of questing ticks. Parasites & Vectors 5:125.
  9. Ţălu SD, Ştefănuț AC, Mihalca AD, Coroiu Z. 2012. Subconjunctival infestation with Setaria. Helminthologia 49:119-121.
  10. Dumitrache MO, Gherman CM, Cozma V, Mircean V, Györke A, Sándor AD, Mihalca AD. 2012. Hard ticks (Ixodidae) in Romania: surveillance, host associations and possible risks for tick-borne diseases. Parasitology Research 110:2067-2070.
  11. Rinaldi L, Mihalca AD, Cirillo R, Maurelli MP, Montesano M, Capasso M, Cringoli G. 2012. FLOTAC can detect parasitic and pseudoparasitic elements in reptiles. Experimental Parasitology 130: 282-284.

2011 (Total = 4)

  1. Albrechtová K, Sedlák K, Petrželková KJ, Hlaváč J, Mihalca AD, Lesingirian A, Kanyari PWN, Modrý D. 2011. Occurrence of filaria in domestic dogs of Samburu pastoralists in Northern Kenya and its associations with canine distemper. Veterinary Parasitology 182:230-238.
  2. Kiss T, Cadar D, Krupaci AF, Bordeanu A, Brudaşcă GF, Mihalca AD, Mircean V, Gliga L, Dumitrache MO, Spînu M. 2011. Serological reactivity to Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in dogs and horses from distinct areas in Romania. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 11:1259-1162.
  3. Dabert J, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2011. The first report of Knemidocoptes intermedius Fain et Macfarlane, 1967 (Acari; Astigmata) in naturally infected European birds. Parasitology Research, 109:237-240.
  4. Briciu VT, Titilincu A, Ţăţulescu DF, Cârstina D, Lefkaditis M, Mihalca AD. 2011. First survey on hard ticks (Ixodidae) collected from humans in Romania: possible risks for tick-borne diseases. Experimental and Applied Acarology 54:199-204.

2010 (Total = 3)

  1. Mihalca AD, Miclăuş V, Lefkaditis M. 2010. Pulmonary lesions caused by the nematode Rhabdias fuscovenosa in a grass snake, Natrix natrix. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 46:678-681.
  2. Sloboda M, Mihalca AD, Falka I, Petrzelková KJ, Carlsson M, Ghira I, Modrý D. 2010. Are gobiid fish more susceptible to predation if parasitized by Eustrongylides excisus? An answer from robbed snakes. Ecological Research 25:469-473.
  3. Şuteu O, Titilincu A, Modrý D, Mihalca A, Mircean V, Cozma V. 2010. First identification of Neospora caninum by PCR in aborted bovine foetuses in Romania. Parasitology Research 106:719-722.

2009 (Total = 3)

  1. Mihalca AD, Jirků M, Malonza PK, Modrý D. 2009. A new species of Isospora Schneider, 1881 (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from Ruppell's agama Agama rueppelli (Vaillant) (Sauria: Agamidae) from East Africa, with a review of this genus in agamid lizards. Systematic Parasitology 74:219-223.
  2. Lefkaditis MA, Koukeri SE, Mihalca AD. 2009. Prevalence and intensity of Otodectes cynotis in kittens from Thessaloniki area, Greece. Veterinary Parasitology 163:374-375.
  3. Široký P, Mikulíček P, Jandzík D, Kami H, Mihalca AD, Rouag R, Kamler M, Schneider C, Záruba M, Modrý D. 2009. Co-distribution pattern of a haemogregarine Hemolivia mauritanica (Apicomplexa: Haemogregarinidae) and its vector Hyalomma aegyptium (Metastigmata: Ixodidae). Journal of Parasitology 95:728-733.

2008 (Total = 4)

  1. Mihalca AD, Racka K, Gherman C, Ionescu DT. 2008. Prevalence and intensity of blood apicomplexan infections in reptiles from Romania. Parasitology Research 102:1081-1083.
  2. Traversa D, Avolio S, Modrý D, Otranto D, Iorio R, Aroch I, Cringoli G, Milillo P, Albrechtová K, Mihalca AD, Lavy E. 2008. Copromicroscopic and molecular assays for the detection of cancer-causing parasitic nematode Spirocerca lupi. Veterinary Parasitology 157:108-116.
  3. Majláthová V, Majláth I, Hromada M, Tryjanowski P, Bona M, Antczak M, Víchová B, Dzimko S, Mihalca A, Peťko B. 2008. The role of the sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) in the transmission cycle of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. International Journal of Medical Microbiology 298(Supplement 1):161-167.
  4. Miclăuş V, Mihalca AD, Negrea O, Oana L. 2008. Histological evidence for inoculative action of immature Linguatula serrata in lymph nodes of intermediate host. Parasitology Research 102:1385-1387.

2007 (Total = 2)

  1. Mihalca AD, Fictum P, Škorič M, Sloboda M, Kärvemo S, Ghira I, Carlsson M, Modrý D. 2007. Severe granulomatous lesions in several organs from Eustrongylides larvae in a free-ranging Dice snake, Natrix tessellata. Veterinary Pathology 44:103-105.
  2. Mihalca AD, Gherman C, Ghira I, Cozma V. 2007. Helminth parasites of reptiles (Reptilia) in Romania. Parasitology Research 101:491-492.

2006 (Total = 1)

  1. Široký P, Petrželková KJ, Kamler M, Mihalca AD, Modrý D. 2006. Hyalomma aegyptium as dominant tick in tortoises of the genus Testudo in Balkan countries, with notes on its host preferences. Experimental and Applied Acarology 40:279-290.

2023 (Total = 12)

  1. Wint GRW, Balenghien T, Berriatua E, Braks M, Marsboom C, Medlock J, Schaffner F, Van Bortel W, Alexander N, Alten B, Czwienczek E, Dhollander S, Ducheyne E, Gossner CM, Hansford K, Hendrickx G, Honrubia H, Matheussen T, Mihalca AD, Petric D, Richardson J, Sprong H, Versteirt V, Briet O. 2023. VectorNet: collaborative mapping of arthropod disease vectors in Europe and surrounding areas since 2010. Eurosurveillance 28:2200666.
  2. Plasil M, Oppelt J, Klumplerova M, Bubenikova J, Vychodilova L, Janova E, Stejskalova K, Futas J, Knoll A, Leblond A, Mihalca AD, Horin P. 2023. Newly identified variability of the antigen binding site coding sequences of the equine major histocompatibility complex class I and class II genes. HLA. 2023;10.1111/tan.15078. doi:10.1111/tan.15078.
  3. Deak G, Ionică AM, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2023. Diversity of Crenosoma species in mustelids with the first molecular characterization of C. melesi and C. petrowi. Frontiers in Veterinary Sciences 10:1094554.
  4. Corduneanu A, Taulescu M, Ursache TD, Ionică AM, Mihalca AD. 2023. Piroplasms in farmed American bison, Bison bison from Romania. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10:1158072.
  5. Hornok S, Mihalca AD, Kontschán J, Takács N, Fedorov D, Plantard O, Sándor AD. Phylogenetic analyses of Ixodes rugicollis with notes on its morphology in comparison with Ixodes cornutus. 2023. Parasites & Vectors 16:106.
  6. Deak G, Ionică M, Mihalca AD. 2023. First report of Thelazia callipaeda Railliet & Henry, 1910 in a zoo lion (Panthera leo) (Linnaeus, 1758) from Romania. Veterinary Research Communications 10.1007/s11259-023-10097-y.
  7. Mechouk N, Deak G, Ionică AM, Toma CG, Bouslama Z, Mihalca AD. 2023. First report of Crenosoma vulpis in Africa and Eucoleus aerophilus in Algeria. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 20:187-191.
  8. Balmoș OM, Supeanu A, Tamba P, Horvath C, Panait LC, Sandor AD, Cazan CD, Ungur A, Motiu M, Manita FA, Ancuceanu BC, Barbuceanu F, Dhollander S, Mihalca AD. 2023. African swine fever virus load in hematophagous dipterans collected in outbreaks from Romania: risk factors and implications. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 2023:3548109.
  9. Bilbija B, Spitzweg C, Papoušek I, Fritz U, Földvári G, Mullett M, Ihlow F, Sprong H, Civáňová Křížová K, Anisimov N, Belova OA, Bonnet SI, Bychkova E, Czułowska A, Duscher GG, Fonville M, Kahl O, Karbowiak G, Kholodilov IS, Kiewra D, Krčmar S, Kumisbek G, Livanova N, Majláth I, Teresa Manfredi M, Mihalca AD, Miró G, Moutailler S, Nebogatkin IV, Tomanović S, Vatansever Z, Yakovich M, Zanzani S, Široký P. 2023. Dermacentor reticulatus - a tick on its way from glacial refugia to a panmictic Eurasian population. International Journal for Parasitology 53:91-101.
  10. Panait LC, Ionică AM, Cazan CD, Coroian M, Diacu AM, Boncea AM, Mateescu C, Mihalca AD. 2023. Apicomplexan haemoparasites in domestic cats in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 16:56.
  11. Alsarraf M, Baneth G, Bogucka-Kocka A, Ciuca L, Dwużnik-Szarek D, Fuehrer HP, Kloch A, Kołodziej P, Levytska V, Mierzejewska EJ, Mihalca AD, Ionică AM, Mushynskyi A, Nachum-Biala Y, Alsarraf M, Bajer A. 2023. Haplotypes of Dirofilaria repens from Poland and selected countries of Central, North-Eastern Europe and the Middle East: An evaluation on the relation between the genetic diversity and the geographic distribution of the fast-spreading parasite. Veterinary Parasitology 315:109882.
  12. Stelder JJ, Mihalca AD, Olesen AS, Kjær LJ, Boklund AE, Rasmussen TB, Marinov M, Alexe V, Balmoş OM, Bødker R. 2023. Potential mosquito vector attraction to- and feeding preferences for pigs in Romanian backyard farms. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 9:1046263.

2022 (Total = 24)

  1. Mihalca AD, Deak G, Panait LC, Rabei Ș, Beugnet F. 2022. Efficacy of a topical formulation containing esafoxolaner, eprinomectin and praziquantel (NexGard Combo®) against natural infestations with the cat louse, Felicola subrostratus under field conditions. Parasite 29:62.
  2. Yessinou RE, Cazan CD, Panait LC, Mollong E, Biguezoton AS, Bonnet SI, Farougou S, Groschup MH, Mihalca AD. 2022. New geographical records for tick-borne pathogens in ticks collected from cattle in Benin and Togo. Veterinary Medicine and Science 9:345-352.
  3. Marinov M., Ionică AM, Mihalca AD, Alexe V, Dorosencu AC, Tudor M, Kiss JB, Bolboaca LE. 2022. New insights into the trophobiology and human perception of the golden jackal Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758 (Mammalia: Canidae) in the Danube Delta and Surroundings: between myth and reality. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 74:103-110.
  4. Pichler V, Caputo B, Valadas V, Micocci M, Horvath C, Virgillito C, Akiner M, Balatsos G, Bender C, Besnard G, Bravo-Barriga D, Bueno-Mari R, Collantes F, Delacour-Estrella S, Dikolli E, Falcuta E, Flacio E, García-Pérez AL, Kalan K, Kavran M, L'Ambert G, Lia RP, Marabuto E, Medialdea R, Melero-Alcibar R, Michaelakis A, Mihalca AD, Mikov O, Miranda MA, Müller P, Otranto D, Pajovic I, Petric D, Rebelo MT, Robert V, Rogozi E, Tello A, Zitko T, Schaffner F, Pinto J, Della Torre A. 2022. Geographic distribution of the V1016G knockdown resistance mutation in Aedes albopictus: a warning bell for Europe. Parasites & Vectors 15:280.
  5. Cotuțiu VD, Ionică AM, Lefkaditis M, Cazan CD, Hașaș AD, Mihalca AD. 2022. Thelazia lacrymalis in horses from Romania: epidemiology, morphology and phylogenetic analysis. Parasites & Vectors 15:425.
  6. Culda CA, Dionnet R, Barbu AC, Cârstolovean AS, Dan T, Grijalva J, Espin P, Vinueza RL, Cruz M, Páez-Rosas D, Renato L, Mihalca AD. 2022. The presence of Dirofilaria immitis in domestic dogs on San Cristobal Island, Galapagos. Pathogens 11:1287.
  7. Coroian M, Silaghi C, Tews BA, Baltag EȘ, Marinov M, Alexe V, Kalmár Z, Horvath C, Lupșe MS, Mihalca AD. 2022. Serological survey of mosquito-borne arboviruses in wild birds from important migratory hotspots in Romania. Pathogens 11:1270.
  8. Cotuțiu VD, Mihalca AD, Hołówka KA, Ionică AM, Cazan CD, Gherman CM. 2022. European hares, Lepus europaeus, represent a reservoir host for Thelazia callipaeda in Romania. Pathogens 11:1225.
  9. Safarov A, Mihalca AD, Park GM, Akramova F, Ionică AM, Abdinabiev O, Deak G, Azimov D. 2022. A survey of helminths of dogs in rural and urban areas of Uzbekistan and the zoonotic risk to human population. Pathogens 11:1085.
  10. Deak G, Safarov A, Xie XC, Wang R, Mihalca AD, Šlapeta J. 2022. Fleas from the Silk Road in Central Asia: identification of Ctenocephalides canis and Ctenocephalides orientis on owned dogs in Uzbekistan using molecular identification and geometric morphometrics. Parasites & Vectors 15:345.
  11. Martinez E, Leon R, Mihalca AD, Dujardin JP, Le Pont F. 2022. Morphological description of Pintomyia (Pifanomyia) veintemillasi n. sp., a new sand fly species from the sub-Andean region of Bolivia. Parasites & Vectors 15:327.
  12. Mihalca AD, Deak G, Panait LC, Rabei Ș, Beugnet F. 2022. Efficacy of afoxolaner (NexGard®) against natural infestations with Trichodectes canis in dogs under field conditions. Parasites & Vectors 15:317.
  13. Mechouk N, Mihalca AD, Deak G, Bouslama Z. 2022. Synopsis of the ticks of Algeria with new hosts and localities records. Parasites & Vectors 15:302.
  14. Ivan T, Matei IA, Novac CS, Kalmár Z, Borșan SD, Panait L, Gherman CM, Ionică AM, Papuc I, Mihalca AD. 2022. Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia spp. diversity in ticks, and the first report of Rickettsia hoogstraalii in Romania. Veterinary Sciences 9:343.
  15. Deak G, Toader S, Soare DG, Ionică AM, Taulescu M, Mihalca AD. 2022. Case Report: A new geographic area for the presence of the zoonotic ocular nematode, Onchocerca lupi in Romania. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 9:941303.
  16. Coroian M, Mihalca AD, Dobler G, Euringer K, Girl P, Borșan SD, Kalmár Z, Briciu TV, Flonta M, Topan A, Rădulescu AL, Ungur A, Lupșe MS. 2022. Seroprevalence rates against West Nile, Usutu, and tick-borne encephalitis viruses in blood-donors from north-western Romania. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(13):8182.
  17. Yessinou RE, Cazan CD, Bonnet SI, Farougou S, Mihalca AD. 2022. Geographical distribution of hard ticks (Acari:Ixodidae) and tick-host associations in Benin, Burkina-Faso, Ivory-Coast and Togo. Acta Tropica 232:106510.
  18. Deak G, Ionică AM, Pop AR, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM. 2022. New insights into the distribution of cardio-pulmonary nematodes in road killed wild felids from Romania. Parasites & Vectors 15(1):153.
  19. Ionică AM, Deak G, Boncea R, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2022. The European badger as a new host for Dirofilaria immitis and an update on the distribution of the heartworm in wild carnivores from Romania. Pathogens 11:420.
  20. Braks M, Schaffner F, Medlock JM, Berriatua E, Balenghien T, Mihalca AD, Hendrickx G, Marsboom C, Van Bortel W, Smallegange RC, Sprong H, Gossner CM, Czwienczek E, Dhollander S, Briët O, Wint W. 2022. VectorNet: Putting vectors on the map. Frontiers in Public Health 10:10.3389/fpubh.2022.809763.
  21. Péter A, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2022. Annotated checklist of the bat flies (Diptera: Nycteribiidae) of Romania. Zootaxa 5120:111-127.
  22. Mironov SV, González-Solís J, Mihalca AD, Ștefan LM. 2022. Feather mites of the genus Brephosceles Hull, 1934 (Acariformes: Alloptidae) from the European storm petrel Hydrobates pelagicus (Procellariiformes: Hydrobatidae). Systematic and Applied Acarology 27(7):1273-1294.
  23. Bendjeddou ML, Bouam I, Aulagnier S, Abdelaziz SE, Etayeb K, Mihalca AD, Sandor AD. 2022. First record of the lesser horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus hipposideros (Borkhausen, 1797), in Libya and potential distribution in North Africa. Mammalia 86:328-333.
  24. Péter A, Mihalca AD, Haelewaters D, Sándor AD. 2022. Focus on hyperparasites: Biotic and abiotic traits affecting the prevalence of parasitic microfungi on bat ectoparasites. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:10.3389/fevo.2022.795020.

2021 (Total = 25)

  • Kalmár Z, Briciu VT, Coroian M, Flonta M, Rădulescu AL, Topan A, Mihalca AD, Lupșe M. 2021. Seroprevalence of antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. in healthy blood donors in Romania - an update. Parasites & Vectors 14:596.
  • Ungur A, Cazan CD, Panait LC, Taulescu M, Balmoș OM, Mihaiu M, Bărbuceanu F, Mihalca AD, Cătoi C. 2021. Genotyping of African swine fever virus (ASFV) isolates in Romania with the first report of genotype II in symptomatic pigs. Veterinary Sciences 8:290.
  • Safarov A. Akramova F, Azimov D, Mihalca AD, Ionică AM. 2021. Updates on the distribution and host spectrum of Dirofilaria repens in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Parasitology Research 120:3987-3992.
  • Deak G, Berriatua E, Mihalca AD. 2021. The current situation of Angiostrongylus vasorum in Romania: a national questionnaire-based survey. BMC Veterinary Research 17:323.
  • Matei IA, Ivan T, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Deak G, Nadăș GC, Novac CS, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2021. Anaplasma phagocytophilum in multiple tissue samples of wild carnivores in Romania. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57(4):949-953.
  • Cazan CD, Horváth C, Panait LC, Porea D, Marinov M, Alexe V, Mihalca AD. 2021. Seasonal dynamics of Phlebotomus neglectus (Diptera: Psychodidae) in cave microhabitats in Romania and the rediscovery of Sergentomyia minuta (Rondani, 1843) after 50 years. Parasites & Vectors 14:476.
  • Deak G, Moroni B, Boncea AM, Rambozzi L, Rossi L, Mihalca AD. 2021. Successful treatment of sarcoptic mange in European camelids. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8:742543.
  • Cazan CD, Sándor AD, Kasap OE, Alten B, Mihalca AD. 2021. Sand fly fauna of South-Eastern Romania, with the description of Phlebotomus (Transphlebotomus) simonahalepae n. sp. (Diptera: Psychodidae). Parasites & Vectors 14:448.
  • Boros Z, Ionică AM, Deak G, Mihalca AD, Chișamera G, Constantinescu IC, Adam C, Gherman CM, Cozma V. 2021. Trichinella spp. infection in European polecats (Mustela putorius Linnaeus, 1758) from Romania. Helminthologia 58:323-327.
  • Borșan SD, Trif SR, Mihalca AD. 2021. Recreational behaviour, risk perceptions, and protective practices against ticks: a cross-sectional comparative study before and during the lockdown enforced by the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 14:423.
  • Panait LC, Hrazdilová K, Ionică AM, Deak G, Chişamera GB, Adam C, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2021. Babesia pisicii n. sp. and Babesia canis infect European wild cats, Felis silvestris, in Romania. Microorganisms 9:1474.
  • Sándor AD, Mihalca AD, Domșa C, Péter A, Hornok S. 2021. Argasid ticks of Palearctic bats: distribution, host selection and zoonotic importance. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8:684737.
  • Horváth C, Cazan CD, Mihalca AD. 2021. Emergence of the invasive Asian bush mosquito, Aedes (Finlaya) japonicus japonicus, in an urban area, Romania. Parasites & Vectors 14:192.
  • Matei IA, Corduneanu A, Sándor AD, Ionică AM, Panait L, Kalmár Z, Ivan T, Papuc I, Bouari C, Fit N, Mihalca AD. 2021. Rickettsia spp. in bats of Romania: high prevalence of Rickettsia monacensis in two insectivorous bat species. Parasites & Vectors 14:107.
  • Borșan SD, Ionică AM, Galon C, Toma-Naic A, Peștean C, Sándor AD, Moutailler S, Mihalca AD. 2021. High diversity, prevalence, and (co)-infection rates of tick-borne pathogens in ticks and wildlife hosts in an urban area in Romania. Frontiers in Microbiology 12:645002.
  • Deak G, Ionică AM, Szasz I, Taulescu M, Mihalca AD. 2021. A case of inguinal hernia associated with atypical Dirofilaria repens infection in a dog. Parasites & Vectors 13:125.
  • De Meneghi D, Chiesa F, Bellato A, Tomassone L, Savic S, Mihalca AD, Modrý D, Häsler B. 2021. A survey on One Health collaboration between human, animal and environmental health sectors in Europe and neighboring areas. Frontiers in Public Health 9:609949.
  • Deak G, Ionică MA, Oros NV, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2021. Thelazia rhodesi in a dairy farm in Romania and successful treatment using eprinomectin. Parasitology International 80: 102183.
  • Sándor AD, Péter A, Corduneanu A, Barti L, Csősz I, Kalmár Z, Hornok S, Kontschán J, Mihalca AD. 2021. Wide distribution and diversity of malaria parasites (Polychromophilus spp.) in bats and their ectoparasites in Eastern Europe. Microorganisms 9:230.
  • Péter A, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2021. First report of the bat fly species Basilia italica in Romania. Biodiversity Data Journal 9:e57680.
  • Panait LC, Mihalca AD, Modrý D, Juránková J, Ionică AM, Deak G, Gherman CM, Heddergott M, Hodžić A, Veronesi F, Reichard M, Zieman EA, Nielsen CK, Jiménez-Ruiz FA, Hrazdilová K. 2021. Three new species of Cytauxzoon in European wild felids. Veterinary Parasitology 290: 109344.
  • Khodadadi N, Nabavi R, Sarani A, Saadati D, Ganjali M, Mihalca AD, Otranto D, Sazmand A. 2021. Identification of Anaplasma marginale in long-eared hedgehogs (Hemiechinus auritus) and their Rhipicephalus turanicus ticks in Iran. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 12:101641.
  • Corduneanu A, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD, Hornok S, Malmberg M, Pin Viso N, Bongcam-Rudloff E. 2021. The heart microbiome of insectivorous bats from Central and South Eastern Europe. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 75:101605.
  • Mechouk N, Deak D, Ionică AM, Ionescu DT, Chișamera GB, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2021. Subcutaneous ticks: first report in a golden jackal and their absence in non-canid carnivores. Parasites & Vectors 14:5.

2020 (Total = 13)

  • Boros Z, Ionică AM, Deak G, Mihalca AD, Chișamera GB, Györke A, Gherman CM, Cozma V. 2020. The European badger, Meles meles, as a new host for Trichinella britovi in Romania. Veterinary Parasitology 288:109301.
  • Coroian M, Petrić M, Pistol A, Sirbu A, Domșa C, Mihalca AD. 2020. Human West Nile meningo-encephalitis in a highly endemic country: a complex epidemiological analysis on biotic and abiotic risk factors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, 8250.
  • Pacheco I, Acevedo P, Prado E, Mihalca AD, De La Fuente J. 2020. Targeting the exoskeleton elementome to track tick geographic origins. Frontiers in Physiology 11:572758.
  • Borșan SD, Toma-Naic A, Péter A, Sándor AD, Peștean C, Mihalca AD. 2020. Impact of abiotic factors, habitat type, and urban wildlife on the ecology of hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in urban and peri-urban habitats. Parasites & Vectors 13:476.
  • Deak G, Gherman CM, Ionică AM, Péter Á, Sándor AD, Mihalca AD. 2020. Biotic and abiotic factors influencing the prevalence, intensity and distribution of respiratory nematodes in red foxes, Vulpes vulpes from Romania. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 12:121-125.
  • Deak G, Ionică AM, Nădășan-Cozma G, Mihalca AD. 2020. Dermatobia hominis in a dog imported from Brazil to Romania. Parasites & Vectors 13:386.
  • Panait LC, Stock G, Globokar M, Balzer J, Groth B, Mihalca AD, Pantchev N. 2020. First report of Cytauxzoon sp. infection in Germany: organism description and molecular confirmation in a domestic cat. Parasitology Research 119:3005-3011.
  • Marian I, Ionică AM, Deak G, Ursache T, Lefkaditis M, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2020. The effect of Trichinella spiralis on muscular activity of experimentally infected mice. Parasitology International 76:102032.
  • Păstrav IR, Domșa C, Mihalca AD. 2020. Synopsis of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of Romania. Zootaxa 4772:54-88.
  • Langenwalder DB, Schmidt S, Silaghi C, Skuballa J, Pantchev N, Matei IA, Mihalca AD, Gilli U, Zajkowska J, Ganter M, Hoffman T, Salaneck E, Petrovec M, von Loewenich FD. 2020. The absence of the Drhm gene is not a marker for human pathogenicity in European Anaplasma phagocytophilum strains. Parasites & Vectors 13:238.
  • Kalmár Z, Dumitrache MO, D'Amico G, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Gherman CM, Lupşe M, Mihalca AD. 2020. Multiple tick-borne pathogens in Ixodes ricinus ticks collected from humans in Romania. Pathogens 9: 390.
  • Corduneanu A, Ursache TD, Taulescu M, Sevastre B, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2020. Detection of DNA of Babesia canis in tissues of laboratory rodents following oral inoculation with infected ticks. Parasites & Vectors 13:166.
  • Fălcuţă E, Prioteasa FL, Horváth C, Păstrav IR, Schaffner F, Mihalca AD. 2020. The invasive Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus in Romania: towards a country-wide colonization. Parasitology Research 119:841-845.
  • Rehbein S, Mihalca AD. 2020. Letter: First report of the dog louse flies, Hippobosca longipennis in Romania. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 335:251-253.

2019 (Total = 11)

  • Sandor AD, Corduneanu A, Péter A, Mihalca AD, Barti L, Csősz I, Szőke K, Hornok S. 2019. Bats and ticks: Host selection and seasonality of bat-specialist ticks in Eastern Europe. Parasites & Vectors 12:605.
  • Mihalca AD, Păstrav IR, Sándor AD, Deak G, Gherman CM, Sarmaşi A, Votýpka J. 2019. First report of the dog louse flies, Hippobosca longipennis in Romania. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 33:530-535.
  • Gherman CM, Ionică AM, Deak G, Chișamera GB, Mihalca AD. 2019. Co-infection with Angiostrongylus chabaudi and Dirofilaria immitis in a wildcat, Felis silvestris from Romania. Acta Veterinaria Brno 88:303-306.
  • Kalmár Z, Sándor AD, Matei IA, Ionică A, D'Amico G, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2019. Borrelia spp. in small mammals in Romania. Parasites & Vectors. 12:461.
  • Stejskalova K, Janova E, Horecky C, Horecka E, Vaclavek P, Hubalek Z, Relling K, Cvanova M, D'Amico G, Mihalca AD, Modrý D, Knoll A, Horin P. 2019. Associations between the presence of specific antibodies to the West Nile Virus infection and candidate genes in Romanian horses from the Danube Delta. Molecular Biology Reports 46:4453-4461.
  • Ionică AM, Deak G, D'Amico G, Stan GF, Chișamera GB, Constantinescu IC, Adam C, Lefkaditis M, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2019. Thelazia callipaeda in mustelids from Romania with the European badgers, Meles meles as new host for this parasite. Parasites & Vectors 12: 370.
  • Cazan CD, Păstrav IR, Ionică AM, Oguz G, Kasap OE, Dvorak V, Halada P, Dumitrache MO, Volf P, Alten B, Mihalca AD. 2019. Updates on the distribution and diversity of sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 12:247.
  • Deak G, Gillis-Germitsch N, Ionică AM, Mara A, Păstrav IR, Cazan CD, Ioniță M, Mitrea LI, Răileanu C, Bărburaș D, Nedișan M, Oachiș R, Cozma V, Schaper R, Schnyder M, Mihalca AD. 2019. The first seroepidemiological survey for Angiostrongylus vasorum in domestic dogs from Romania. Parasites & Vectors 12:224.
  • Chanove E, Ionică AM, Hochman D, Berchtold F, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2019. Severe coenurosis caused by larvae of Taenia serialis in an olive baboon (Papio anubis) in Benin. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 9:134-138.
  • Cazan CD, Păstrav IR, Györke A, Oguz G, Alten B, Mihalca AD. 2019. Seasonal dynamics of a population of Phlebotomus (Larroussius) perfiliewi Parrot, 1930 (Diptera: Psychodidae) in North-Eastern Romania. Parasitology Research 118:1371-1384.
  • Lawrence AL, Webb CE, Clark NJ, Halajian A, Mihalca AD, Miret J, D'Amico G, Brown G, Kumsa B, Modrý D, Šlapeta J. 2019. Out-of-Africa, human-mediated dispersal of the common cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis: The hitchhiker's guide to world domination. International Journal for Parasitology 49:321-336.

2018 (Total = 12)

  • Estrada-Pena A, Cutler S, Potkonjak A, Vayssier-Taussat M, Van Bortel W, Zeller H, Fernández-Ruiz N, Mihalca AD. 2018. An updated meta-analysis of the distribution and prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. in ticks in Europe. International Journal of Health Geographics 17:41.
  • Deak G, Mihalca AD, Hirzmann J, Colella V, Tăbăran FA, Cavalera MA, Brudașcă FG, Bauer C, Ionică AM, Alić A, Otranto D, Gherman CM. 2018. Validity of genus Perostrongylus Schlegel, 1934 with new data on Perostrongylus falciformis in European badgers, Meles meles: distribution, life-cycle and pathology. Parasites & Vectors 11:568.
  • Ionică AM, Deak G, Matei IA, D'Amico G, Cotuțiu V, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2018. Thelazia callipaeda, an endemic parasite of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in western Romania. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 54:829-833.
  • Vychodilova L, Necesankova M, Albrechtová K, Hlavac J, Modry D, Janova E, Vyskocil M, Mihalca AD, Kennedy LJ, Horin P. 2018. Genetic diversity and population structure of African village 1 dogs based on microsatellite and immunity-related molecular markers. PLoS One 3(6): e0199506.
  • Păstrav IR, Ionică AM, Peștean C, D'Amico G, Novakova E, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2018. Peripheral venous vs. capillary microfilariaemia in a dog co-infected with Dirofilaria repens and D. immitis: a comparative approach using triatomine bugs for blood collection. Veterinary Parasitology 257:54-57.
  • Pačuta A, Žagar A; Kočíková B, Majláthová V, Mihalca AD, Majláth I. 2018. Time matters. Locomotor behavior of Lacerta viridis and Lacerta agilis in an open field maze. Acta Ethologica 21:91-99.
  • Domșa C, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2018. Modeling the distribution of Ixodes ricinus in Romania. North-Western Journal of Zoology 14:25-29.
  • D'Amico G, Estrada-Peña A, Kalmár Z, Fuh T, Petrželková K, Mihalca AD. 2018. Redescription of the adult stages of Ixodes (Afrixodes) rasus Neumann 1899, with notes on its phylogenetic position within genus Ixodes. Tick and Tick-Borne Diseases 9:654-659.
  • Daskalaki AA, Ionică AM, Deak G, Gherman CM, D'Amico G, Păstrav IR, Matei IA, Domșa C, Mihalca AD. 2018. Environmental factors influencing the distribution of "Theileria annae" in red foxes, Vulpes vulpes in Romania. Tick and Tick-Borne Diseases 9:660-664.
  • Matei IA, D'Amico G, Ionică AM, Kalmar Z, Corduneanu A, Sandor AD, Fit N, Bogdan L, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2018. New records for Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in small mammals species. Parasites & Vectors 11:193.
  • Constantinescu IC, Chișamera GB, Yao PK, Hilare YB, Adam C, D'Amico G, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2018. Description of two new species of the feather mite family Pteronyssidae Oudemans, 1941 (Acarina: Psoroptidia) from Ivory Coast. Systematic Parasitology 95:281-292.
  • Daskalaki AA, Ionică AM, Jeetah K, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2018. Molecular confirmation of Hepatozoon canis in Mauritius. Acta Tropica 177:116-117.

2017 (Total = 23)

  • Corduneanu A, Hrazdilová K, Sándor AD, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Barti L, Ciocănău MA, Măntoiu DS, Coroiu I, Hornok S, Fuehrer HP, Leitner N, Bagó Z, Stefke K, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2017. Babesia vesperuginis, a neglected piroplasmid: new host and geographical records, and phylogenetic relations. Parasites & Vectors 10:598.
  • Deak G, Ionică AM, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM. 2017. Troglostrongylus brevior: a new parasite for Romania. Parasites & Vectors 10:599.
  • Colella V, Cavalera MA, Deak G, Tarallo VD, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD, Otranto D. 2017. Larval development of Angiostrongylus chabaudi, the causative agent of feline angiostrongylosis, in the snail Cornu aspersum. Parasitology 144:1922-1930.
  • Salat J, Mihalca AD, Mihaiu M, Modrý D, Ruzek D. 2017. Tick-borne encephalitis in sheep, Romania. Emerging Infectious Diseases 23(12):2065-2067.
  • Foley P, Foley J, Sándor AD, Ionică AM, Matei IA, D'Amico G, Gherman CM, Domșa C, Mihalca AD. 2017. Diversity of flea (Siphonaptera) parasites on red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Romania. Journal of Medical Entomology 54:1243-1250.
  • Giannelli A, Capelli G, Joachim A, Hinney B, Losson B, Kirkova Z, Martellet MR, Papadopoulos E, Farkas R, Brianti E, Tamponi C, Varcasia A, Alho AM, Madeira de Carvalho L, Cardoso L, Maia C, Mircean V, Mihalca AD, Miróò G, Schnyder M, Cantacessi C, Colella V, Cavalera MA, Latrofa S, Annoscia G, Halos L, Knaus M, Beugnet F, Otranto D. 2017. Lungworms and gastrointestinal parasites of domestic cats: a European perspective. International Journal for Parasitology 47:517-528.
  • Ionică AM, Matei IA, D'Amico G, Ababii J, Daskalaki AA, Sandor AD, Enache DV, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2017. Filarioid infections in wild carnivores: a multispecies survey in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 10:332.
  • Deak G, Gherman CM, Ionică AM, Vezendan AD, D'Amico G, Matei IA, Daskalaki AA, Marian I, Damian A, Cozma V, Mihalca AD. 2017. Angiostrongylus vasorum in Romania: an extensive survey in red foxes, Vulpes vulpes. Parasites & Vectors 10:330.
  • Ionică AM, Zittra C, Wimmer V, Leitner N, Votýpka J, Modrý D, Mihalca AD, Fuehrer HP. 2017. Mosquitoes in the Danube Delta: searching for vectors of filarioid helminths and avian malaria. Parasites & Vectors 10:324.
  • Mitková B, Hrazdilová K, D'Amico G, Duscher GG, Suchentrunk F, Forejtek P, Gherman CM, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Daskalaki AA, Mihalca AD, Votýpka J, Hulva P, Modrý D. 2017. Eurasian golden jackal as host of canine vector-borne protists. Parasites & Vectors 10:183.
  • Sándor AD, D'Amico G, Gherman CM, Dumitrache MO, Domșa C, Mihalca AD. 2017. Mesocarnivores and macroparasites: altitude and land-use predict the ticks occurring on red foxes (Vulpes vulpes). Parasites & Vectors 10:173.
  • Ionică AM, Matei IA, D'Amico G, Bel LV, Dumitrache MO, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2017. Dirofilaria immitis and D. repens show circadian co-periodicity in naturally co-infected dogs. Parasites & Vectors 10:116.
  • Rüegg SR, McMahon BJ, Haesler B, Esposito R, Nielsen LR, Speranza CI, Ehlinger T, Peyre M, Aragrande M, Zinsstag J, Davies P, Mihalca AD, Buttigieg SC, Rushton J, Carmo LP, De Meneghi D, Canali M, Filippitzi ME, Goutard FL, Ilieski V, Milicevic D, O'Shea F, Radeski M, Kock, Staines RA, Lindberg A. 2017. A blueprint to evaluate One Health. Frontiers in Public Health 5:20.
  • Estrada-Peña A, D'Amico G, Palomar AM, Dupraz M, Fonville M, Heylen D, Habela MA, Hornok S, Lempereur L, Madder M, Núncio MS, Otranto D, Pfaffle M, Plantard O, Santos-Silva MM, Sprong H, Vatansever Z, Vial L, Mihalca AD. 2017. A comparative test of ixodid tick identification by a network of European researchers. Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases 8:540-546.
  • D'Amico G, Dumitrache MO, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Gherman CM, Sándor AD, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2017. Ixodid ticks parasitizing wild carnivores in Romania. Experimental and Applied Acarology 71:139-149.
  • Matei IA, Kalmár Z, Lupșe M, D'Amico G, Ionică AM, Dumitrache MO, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2017. The risk of exposure to rickettsial infections and human granulocytic anaplasmosis associated with Ixodes ricinus tick bites in humans in Romania: a multiannual study. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 8:375-378.
  • Răileanu C, Moutailler S, Pavel I, Porea D, Mihalca AD, Săvuță G, Vayssier-Taussat M. 2017. Borrelia diversity and co-infection with other tick borne pathogens in ticks. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 7:36.
  • Briciu VT, Ţăţulescu DF, Năstase V, Flonta M, Meyer F, Sebah D, Cârstina D, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM, Hizo-Teufel C, Huber I, Fingerle V, Lupșe MS. 2017. Clinical and serological one-year follow up of patients after the bite of Ixodes ricinus ticks infected with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Infectious Diseases 49(4):277-285.
  • D'Amico G, Juránková J, Tăbăran FA, Frgelecová L, Forejtek P, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Hodžić A, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2017. Occurrence of ticks in the subcutaneous tissue of red foxes, Vulpes vulpes in Czech Republic and Romania. Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases 8(2):309-312.
  • Matei IA, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Corduneanu A, Daskalaki AA, Lefkaditis M, Mihalca AD. 2017. Altitudinal-dependent prevalence of canine granulocytic anaplasmosis in Romania. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 17(2):147-151.
  • Matei IA, Stuen S, Modrý D, Degan A, D'Amico G, Mihalca AD. 2017. Neonatal Anaplasma platys infection in puppies: Further evidence for possible vertical transmission? The Veterinary Journal 219:40-41.
  • Rehbein S, Knaus M, Mallouk Y, Breiltgens T, Brianti E, Capári B, Dantas-Torres F, Gau M, Joachim A, Kaulfuß KH, Kirkova Z, Lechner J, Mihalca AD, Mirabito R, Petkevičius S. 2017. Efficacy against nematode infections and safety of afoxolaner plus milbemycin oxime chewable tablets in domestic dogs under field conditions in Europe. Parasitology Research 116:259-269.
  • Deak G, Gherman CM, Ionică AM, Daskalaki AA, Matei IA, D'Amico G, Domșa C, Pantchev N, Mihalca AD, Cozma V. 2017. Use of a commercial serologic test for Angiostrongylus vasorum for the detection of A. chabaudi in wildcats and A. daskalovi in badgers. Veterinary Parasitology 233:107-110.

2016 (Total = 16)

  • Mitková B, Hrazdilová K, Steinbauer V, D'Amico G, Mihalca AD, Modrý D. 2016. Autochthonous Hepatozoon infection in hunting dogs and foxes from the Czech Republic. Parasitology Research 115:4167-4171.
  • Constantinescu IC, Chișamera Gb, Yao PK, Hilare YB, Adam C, D'Amico G, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2016. Anhemialges suteui n. sp. (Astigmata: Analgidae) from Hylia prasina (Passeriformes, Macrosphenidae) in Ivory Coast. Systematic Parasitology 93:771-780.
  • Gherman CM, Deak G, Matei IA, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Taulescu M, Barbu-Tudoran L, Sarmasi A, Mihalca AD; Cozma V. 2016. A rare cardiopulmonary parasite of European badgers (Meles meles): first description of the larvae, ultrastructure, pathological changes and molecular identification of Angiostrongylus daskalovi (Janchev and Genov 1988). Parasites & Vectors 9:423.
  • Mihalca AD, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Daskalaki AA, Deak G, Matei IA, Șimonca V, Iordache D, Modrý D. Gherman CM. 2016. Thelazia callipaeda in wild carnivores from Romania: new host and geographical records. Parasites & Vectors 9:350.
  • Gallusová M, Jirsová D, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM, D'Amico G, Qablan MA, Modrý D. 2016. Cytauxzoon Infections in Wild Felids from Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic Space: Further Evidence for a Different Cytauxzoon Species in European Felids. Journal of Parasitology 102:377-380.
  • Gherman CM, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Otranto D, Mihalca AD. 2016. Cardio-pulmonary nematode Angiostrongylus chabaudi (Biocca, 1957) in wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris, S) from Romania: case report. Parasitology Research 115: 2511-2517.
  • Dumitrache MO, Nachum-Biala Y, Gilad M, Mircean V, Cazan CD, Mihalca AD, Baneth G. 2016. The quest for canine leishmaniasis in Romania: presence of an autochthonous focus with subclinical infections in an area where disease occurred. Parasites & Vectors 9:297.
  • Mărcuţan ID, Kalmár Z, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Mihalca AD, Cozma V, Sandor AD. 2016. Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae in ticks of migratory birds in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 9:294.
  • Briciu VT, Sebah D, Coroiu G, Lupşe M, Cârstina D, Ţăţulescu DF, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM, Leucuţa D, Meyer F, Hizo-Teufel C, Fingerle V, Huber I. 2016. Immunohistochemistry and real-time PCR as diagnostic tools for detection of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in ticks collected from humans. Experimental and Applied Acarology 69:49-60.
  • Ionică AM, Matei IA, D'Amico G, Daskalaki AA, Juránková J; Ionescu DT, Mihalca AD, Modrý D, Gherman CM. 2016. Role of golden jackals (Canis aureus) as natural reservoirs of Dirofilaria spp. in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 9:240.
  • Matei IA, D'Amico G, Yao PK, Ionică AM, Kanyari PWN, Daskalaki AA, Dumitrache MO, Sandor AD, Gherman CM, Qablan M, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2016. Molecular detection of Anaplasma platys infection in free-roaming dogs and ticks from Kenya and Ivory Coast. Parasites & Vectors 9:157.
  • Ioniță M, Mitrea IL, Ionică AM, Morariu S, Mihalca AD. 2016. New cases of Thelazia callipaeda Haplotype 1 in dogs suggest a wider distribution in Romania. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 16:172-175.
  • Chițimia-Dobler L, D'Amico G, Kouassi Yao P, Kalmár Z, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD, Estrada-Peña A. 2016. Description of the male, redescription of the female and 16S rDNA sequence of Ixodes aulacodi Arthur, 1956 (Ixodidae). Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 7:433-438.
  • Domșa C, Sandor AD, Mihalca AD. 2016. Climate change and species distribution: possible scenarios for thermophilic ticks in Romania. Geospatial Health 11:421.
  • Colella V, Kirkova Z, Fok E, Mihalca AD, Tasić-Otašević S, Hodžic A, Dantas-Torres F, Otranto D. 2016. Increase in Eyeworm Infections in Eastern Europe. Emerging Infectious Diseases 22:1513-1514.
  • Kalmár Z, Sprong H, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM, Coipan EC, Fonville M, Cozma V. 2016. Circulation of Borrelia miyamotoi and Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis in questing Ixodes ricinus, Romania. Emerging Infectious Diseases 22(3):550-551.

2015 (Total = 12)

  • Dumitrache MO, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Kalmár Z, D'Amico G, Sikó-Barabási S, Ionescu DT, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2015. Molecular detection of Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato genospecies in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from Romania. Parasites & Vectors 8:514.
  • Magdaş C, Magdaş VA, Mihalca AD, Baciu H, Gherman CM, Ştefănuţ CL, Lefkaditis M, Cozma V. 2015. Laboratory development of Dermacentor marginatus ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) at two different temperatures. Experimental and Applied Acarology 67(2):308-315.
  • Votýpka J, Rádrová J, Skalický T, Jirků M, Jirsová D, Mihalca AD, D´Amico G, Petrželková KJ, Modrý D, Lukeš J. 2015. A tsetse and tabanid fly survey of African great apes habitats reveals the presence of a novel trypanosome lineage but the absence of Trypanosoma brucei. International Journal for Parasitology 45:741-748.
  • Mihalca AD. 2015. Ticks imported to Europe with exotic reptiles. Veterinary Parasitology 213:67-71.
  • Hornok S, Estrada-Peña A, Kontschán J, Plantard O, Kunz B, Mihalca AD, Thabah A, Tomanovic S, Burazerovic J, Takács N, Görföl T, Estók P, Tan TV, Szőke K, Fernández de Mera IG, de la Fuente J, Takahashi M, Yamauchi T, Takano A. 2015. High degree of mitochondrial gene heterogeneity in the bat tick species Ixodes vespertilionis, I. ariadnae and I. simplex from Eurasia. Parasites & Vectors 8:457.
  • D'Amico G, Dumitrache MO, Široký P, Albrechtová K, Sloboda M, Domșa C, Sándor AD, Balázsi R, Kanyari PWN, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2015. Altitudinal and seasonal differences of tick communities in dogs from pastoralist tribes of Northern Kenya. Veterinary Parasitology 212:318–323.
  • Lawrence AL, Hii SF, Jirsová D, Panáková L, Ionică AM, Gilchrist K, Modrý D, Mihalca AD, Webb CE, Traub RJ, Šlapeta J. 2015. Integrated morphological and molecular identification of cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) and dog fleas (Ctenocephalides canis) vectoring Rickettsia felis in central Europe. Veterinary Parasitology 210:215-223.
  • Ionică AM, Matei IA, Mircean V, Dumitrache MO, D'Amico G, Györke A, Pantchev N, Annoscia G, Albrechtová K, Otranto D, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2015. Current surveys on the prevalence and distribution of Dirofilaria spp. and Acanthocheilonema reconditum infections in dogs in Romania. Parasitology Research 114:975-982.
  • Kalmár Z, Cozma V, Sprong H, Jahfari S, D'Amico G, Mărcuțan DI, Ionică AM, Magdaş C, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2015. Transstadial transmission of Borrelia turcica in Hyalomma aegyptium ticks. PLoS One 10(2):e0115520.
  • Mihalca AD, D'Amico G, Scurtu I, Chirilă R, Matei IA, Ionică AM. 2015. Further spreading of canine oriental eyeworm in Europe: first report of Thelazia callipaeda in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 8:48.
  • Matei IA, Kalmár Z, Magdaş C, Magdaş V, Toray H, Dumitrache MO, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Sándor A, Mărcuțan DI, Domşa C, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2015. Anaplasma phagocytophilum in questing Ixodes ricinus ticks from Romania. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 6:408-413.
  • Durden LA, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD, Kanyari PWN. 2015. A new species of sucking louse (Phthiraptera: Anoplura: Linognathidae) from Günther's dikdik (Madoqua guentheri) in Kenya. Journal of Parasitology 101(2):140-144.

2014 (Total = 12)

  • Gallusová M, Qablan MA, D'Amico G, Oborník M, Petrželková KJ, Mihalca AD, Modrý D. 2014. Piroplasms in feral and domestic equines in rural areas of Danube Delta, Romania with survey of dogs as possible reservoir. Veterinary Parasitology 206:287-292.
  • Miclăuș V, Gal AF, Cătoi C, Mihalca AD. 2014. Severe granulomatous gastric lesions following migration of Spiroxys contortus larvae (Nematoda: Spirurida) in European pond turtles, Emys orbicularis. Helminthologia 51(3):225-229.
  • Oltean M, Kalmár Z, Kiss BJ, Marinov M, Vasile A, Sándor AD, Domşa C, Gherman CM, Boireau P, Cozma V, Mihalca AD, Rosenthal BM. 2014. European Mustelids occupying pristine wetlands in the Danube Delta harbor infections with Trichinella likely derived from domesticated swine. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 50(4):972-975.
  • Sándor AD, Dumitrache MO, D'Amico G, Kiss BJ, Mihalca AD. 2014. Rhipicephalus rossicus and not R. sanguineus is the dominant tick species of dogs in the wetlands of the Danube Delta, Romania. Veterinary Parasitology 204(3-4):430-432.
  • Briciu VT, Meyer F, Sebah D, Ţăţulescu DF, Coroiu G, Lupșe M, Cârstina D, Mihalca AD, Hizo-Teufel C, Klier C, Huber I, Fingerle V. 2014. Real-time PCR based identification of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato species in ticks collected from humans in Romania. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 5(5):575-581.
  • Şuteu O, Mihalca AD, Paştiu AI, Györke A, Matei IA, Ionică A, Balea A, Oltean M, D'Amico G, Barabási Sikó S, Ionescu DT, Gherman CM, Cozma V. 2014. A glance into the wild: red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Romania are carriers for Toxoplasma gondii but not Neospora caninum. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 50(3):713-716.
  • Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Mitková B, Kalmár Z, Annoscia G, Otranto D, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2014. First report of Cercopithifilaria spp. in dogs from Eastern Europe with an overview of their geographic distribution in Europe. Parasitology Research 113:2761-2764.
  • Hornok S, Kontschán J, Kováts D, Kovács R, Angyal D, Görföl T, Polacsek Z, Kalmár Z, Mihalca AD. 2014. Bat ticks revisited: Ixodes ariadnae sp. nov. and allopatric genotypes of I. vespertilionis in caves of Hungary. Parasites & Vectors 7:202.
  • Lefkaditis MA, Paştiu AI, Rodi-Buriel A, Sossidou AV, Panorias AH, Eleftheriadis TG, Cozma V, Mihalca AD. 2014. Helminth burden in stray cats from Thessaloniki, Greece. Helminthologia 51:73-76.
  • Mircean V, Dumitrache MO, Mircean M, Bolfă P., Györke A, Mihalca AD. 2014. Autochthonous canine leishmaniasis in Romania: neglected or (re)emerging? Parasites & Vectors 7:135.
  • Sándor AD, Mărcuţan DI, D'Amico G, Gherman CM, Dumitrache MO, Mihalca AD. 2014. Do the ticks of birds at an important migratory hotspot reflect the seasonal dynamics of Ixodes ricinus at the migration initiation site? A case study in the Danube Delta. PLoS One 9(2):e89378.
  • Dumitrache MO, Kiss B, Dantas-Torres F, Latrofa MS, D'Amico G, Sándor AD, Mihalca AD. 2014. Seasonal dynamics of Rhipicephalus rossicus attacking domestic dogs from the steppic region of southeastern Romania. Parasites & Vectors 7:97.

2013 (Total = 6)

  • Dabert J, Dabert M, Gal AF, Miclăuș V, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2013. Multidisciplinary analysis of Knemidocoptes jamaicensis parasitising the Common Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs: proofs for a multispecies complex? Parasitology Research 112:2373-2380.
  • Tăbăran F, Sándor AD, Marinov M, Cătoi C, Mihalca AD. 2013. Alaria alata infection in European mink. Emerging Infectious Diseases 19:1547-1549.
  • D'Amico G, Mihalca AD, Domşa C, Albrechtová́ K, Sándor AD, Modrý́ D. 2013. Taming the beast: rabies control in the cradle of mankind. Geospatial Health 7:409-411.
  • Dumitrache MO, Paștiu AI, Kalmár Z, Mircean V, Sándor AD, Gherman CM, Peștean C, Mihalca AD, Cozma V. 2013. Northern white-breasted hedgehogs Erinaceus roumanicus as hosts for ticks infected with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and Anaplasma phagocytophilum in Romania. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 4:214-217.
  • Kalmár Z, Mihalca AD, Dumitrache MO, Gherman CM, Magdaș C, Mircean V, Oltean M, Domşa C, Matei IA, Mărcuţan DI, Sándor AD, D'Amico G, Paștiu A, Györke A, Gavrea R, Marosi B, Ionică A, Burkhardt E, Toriay H, Cozma V. 2013. Geographical distribution and prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi genospecies in questing Ixodes ricinus from Romania: a countrywide study. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 4:403-408.
  • Miclăuş V, Mihalca AD, Gal AF, Cătoi C. 2013. Mesothelial metaplasia in European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis (Testudines: Emydidae) infected with Spiroxys contortus (Nematoda: Spirurida). Helminthologia 50:104-107.

2012 (Total = 11)

  • Paştiu AI, Matei IA, Mihalca AD, D'Amico G, Dumitrache MO, Kalmár Z, Sándor AD, Gherman CM, Cozma V. 2012. Zoonotic pathogens associated with Hyalomma aegyptium in endangered tortoises: evidence for host-switching behaviour in ticks? Parasites & Vectors 5:301.
  • Mihalca AD, Dumitrache MO, Sándor AD, Magdaş C, Oltean M, Györke A, Matei IA, Ionică A, D'Amico G, Cozma V, Gherman CM. 2012. Tick parasites of rodents in Romania: host preferences, community structure and geographical distribution. Parasites & Vectors 5:266.
  • Rinaldi L, Capasso M, Mihalca AD, Cirillo R, Cringoli G, Cacciò S. 2012. Prevalence and molecular identification of Cryptosporidium isolates from pet lizards and snakes in Italy. Parasite 19:437-440.
  • Mihalca AD, Gherman CM, Magdaş C, Dumitrache MO, Györke A, Sándor AD, Domşa C, Oltean M, Mircean V, Mărcuţan DI, D'Amico G, Păduraru AO, Cozma V. 2012. Ixodes ricinus is the dominant questing tick in forest habitats from Romania: the results from a countrywide dragging campaign. Experimental and Applied Acarology 58:175-182.
  • Mihalca AD, Dumitrache MO, Magdaş C, Gherman CM, Domşa C, Mircean V, Ghira IV, Pocora V, Ionescu DT, Sikó Barabási S, Cozma V, Sándor AD. 2012. Synopsis of the hard-ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) of Romania with update on host associations and geographical distribution. Experimental and Applied Acarology 58:183-206.
  • Gherman CM, Sándor AD, Kalmár Z, Marinov M, Mihalca AD. 2012. First report of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in two threatened carnivores: the Marbled polecat, Vormela peregusna and European mink, Mustela lutreola (Mammalia: Mustelidae). BMC Veterinary Research 8:137.
  • Mircean V, Dumitrache MO, Györke A, Pantchev N, Jodies R, Mihalca AD, Cozma V. 2012. Seroprevalence and geographic distribution of Dirofilaria immitis and tick-borne infections (Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and Ehrlichia canis) in dogs from Romania. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 12:595-603.
  • Gherman CM, Mihalca AD, Dumitrache MO, Györke A, Oroian I, Sandor M, Cozma V. 2012. CO2 flagging - an improved method for the collection of questing ticks. Parasites & Vectors 5:125.
  • Ţălu SD, Ştefănuț AC, Mihalca AD, Coroiu Z. 2012. Subconjunctival infestation with Setaria. Helminthologia 49:119-121.
  • Dumitrache MO, Gherman CM, Cozma V, Mircean V, Györke A, Sándor AD, Mihalca AD. 2012. Hard ticks (Ixodidae) in Romania: surveillance, host associations and possible risks for tick-borne diseases. Parasitology Research 110:2067-2070.
  • Rinaldi L, Mihalca AD, Cirillo R, Maurelli MP, Montesano M, Capasso M, Cringoli G. 2012. FLOTAC can detect parasitic and pseudoparasitic elements in reptiles. Experimental Parasitology 130: 282-284.

2011 (Total = 4)

  • Albrechtová K, Sedlák K, Petrželková KJ, Hlaváč J, Mihalca AD, Lesingirian A, Kanyari PWN, Modrý D. 2011. Occurrence of filaria in domestic dogs of Samburu pastoralists in Northern Kenya and its associations with canine distemper. Veterinary Parasitology 182:230-238.
  • Kiss T, Cadar D, Krupaci AF, Bordeanu A, Brudaşcă GF, Mihalca AD, Mircean V, Gliga L, Dumitrache MO, Spînu M. 2011. Serological reactivity to Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in dogs and horses from distinct areas in Romania. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 11:1259-1162.
  • Dabert J, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2011. The first report of Knemidocoptes intermedius Fain et Macfarlane, 1967 (Acari; Astigmata) in naturally infected European birds. Parasitology Research, 109:237-240.
  • Briciu VT, Titilincu A, Ţăţulescu DF, Cârstina D, Lefkaditis M, Mihalca AD. 2011. First survey on hard ticks (Ixodidae) collected from humans in Romania: possible risks for tick-borne diseases. Experimental and Applied Acarology 54:199-204.

2010 (Total = 3)

  • Mihalca AD, Miclăuş V, Lefkaditis M. 2010. Pulmonary lesions caused by the nematode Rhabdias fuscovenosa in a grass snake, Natrix natrix. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 46:678-681.
  • Sloboda M, Mihalca AD, Falka I, Petrzelková KJ, Carlsson M, Ghira I, Modrý D. 2010. Are gobiid fish more susceptible to predation if parasitized by Eustrongylides excisus? An answer from robbed snakes. Ecological Research 25:469-473.
  • Şuteu O, Titilincu A, Modrý D, Mihalca A, Mircean V, Cozma V. 2010. First identification of Neospora caninum by PCR in aborted bovine foetuses in Romania. Parasitology Research 106:719-722.

2009 (Total = 3)

  • Mihalca AD, Jirků M, Malonza PK, Modrý D. 2009. A new species of Isospora Schneider, 1881 (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from Ruppell's agama Agama rueppelli (Vaillant) (Sauria: Agamidae) from East Africa, with a review of this genus in agamid lizards. Systematic Parasitology 74:219-223.
  • Lefkaditis MA, Koukeri SE, Mihalca AD. 2009. Prevalence and intensity of Otodectes cynotis in kittens from Thessaloniki area, Greece. Veterinary Parasitology 163:374-375.
  • Široký P, Mikulíček P, Jandzík D, Kami H, Mihalca AD, Rouag R, Kamler M, Schneider C, Záruba M, Modrý D. 2009. Co-distribution pattern of a haemogregarine Hemolivia mauritanica (Apicomplexa: Haemogregarinidae) and its vector Hyalomma aegyptium (Metastigmata: Ixodidae). Journal of Parasitology 95:728-733.

2008 (Total = 4)

  • Mihalca AD, Racka K, Gherman C, Ionescu DT. 2008. Prevalence and intensity of blood apicomplexan infections in reptiles from Romania. Parasitology Research 102:1081-1083.
  • Traversa D, Avolio S, Modrý D, Otranto D, Iorio R, Aroch I, Cringoli G, Milillo P, Albrechtová K, Mihalca AD, Lavy E. 2008. Copromicroscopic and molecular assays for the detection of cancer-causing parasitic nematode Spirocerca lupi. Veterinary Parasitology 157:108-116.
  • Majláthová V, Majláth I, Hromada M, Tryjanowski P, Bona M, Antczak M, Víchová B, Dzimko S, Mihalca A, Peťko B. 2008. The role of the sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) in the transmission cycle of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. International Journal of Medical Microbiology 298(Supplement 1):161-167.
  • Miclăuş V, Mihalca AD, Negrea O, Oana L. 2008. Histological evidence for inoculative action of immature Linguatula serrata in lymph nodes of intermediate host. Parasitology Research 102:1385-1387.

2007 (Total = 2)

  • Mihalca AD, Fictum P, Škorič M, Sloboda M, Kärvemo S, Ghira I, Carlsson M, Modrý D. 2007. Severe granulomatous lesions in several organs from Eustrongylides larvae in a free-ranging Dice snake, Natrix tessellata. Veterinary Pathology 44:103-105.
  • Mihalca AD, Gherman C, Ghira I, Cozma V. 2007. Helminth parasites of reptiles (Reptilia) in Romania. Parasitology Research 101:491-492.

2006 (Total = 1)

Široký P, Petrželková KJ, Kamler M, Mihalca AD, Modrý D. 2006. Hyalomma aegyptium as dominant tick in tortoises of the genus Testudo in Balkan countries, with notes on its host preferences. Experimental and Applied Acarology 40:279-290.

2023 (Total = 12)

  1. Wint GRW, Balenghien T, Berriatua E, Braks M, Marsboom C, Medlock J, Schaffner F, Van Bortel W, Alexander N, Alten B, Czwienczek E, Dhollander S, Ducheyne E, Gossner CM, Hansford K, Hendrickx G, Honrubia H, Matheussen T, Mihalca AD, Petric D, Richardson J, Sprong H, Versteirt V, Briet O. 2023. VectorNet: collaborative mapping of arthropod disease vectors in Europe and surrounding areas since 2010. Eurosurveillance 28:2200666.
  2. Plasil M, Oppelt J, Klumplerova M, Bubenikova J, Vychodilova L, Janova E, Stejskalova K, Futas J, Knoll A, Leblond A, Mihalca AD, Horin P. 2023. Newly identified variability of the antigen binding site coding sequences of the equine major histocompatibility complex class I and class II genes. HLA. 2023;10.1111/tan.15078. doi:10.1111/tan.15078.
  3. Deak G, Ionică AM, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2023. Diversity of Crenosoma species in mustelids with the first molecular characterization of C. melesi and C. petrowi. Frontiers in Veterinary Sciences 10:1094554.
  4. Corduneanu A, Taulescu M, Ursache TD, Ionică AM, Mihalca AD. 2023. Piroplasms in farmed American bison, Bison bison from Romania. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10:1158072.
  5. Hornok S, Mihalca AD, Kontschán J, Takács N, Fedorov D, Plantard O, Sándor AD. Phylogenetic analyses of Ixodes rugicollis with notes on its morphology in comparison with Ixodes cornutus. 2023. Parasites & Vectors 16:106.
  6. Deak G, Ionică M, Mihalca AD. 2023. First report of Thelazia callipaeda Railliet & Henry, 1910 in a zoo lion (Panthera leo) (Linnaeus, 1758) from Romania. Veterinary Research Communications 10.1007/s11259-023-10097-y.
  7. Mechouk N, Deak G, Ionică AM, Toma CG, Bouslama Z, Mihalca AD. 2023. First report of Crenosoma vulpis in Africa and Eucoleus aerophilus in Algeria. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 20:187-191.
  8. Balmoș OM, Supeanu A, Tamba P, Horvath C, Panait LC, Sandor AD, Cazan CD, Ungur A, Motiu M, Manita FA, Ancuceanu BC, Barbuceanu F, Dhollander S, Mihalca AD. 2023. African swine fever virus load in hematophagous dipterans collected in outbreaks from Romania: risk factors and implications. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 2023:3548109.
  9. Bilbija B, Spitzweg C, Papoušek I, Fritz U, Földvári G, Mullett M, Ihlow F, Sprong H, Civáňová Křížová K, Anisimov N, Belova OA, Bonnet SI, Bychkova E, Czułowska A, Duscher GG, Fonville M, Kahl O, Karbowiak G, Kholodilov IS, Kiewra D, Krčmar S, Kumisbek G, Livanova N, Majláth I, Teresa Manfredi M, Mihalca AD, Miró G, Moutailler S, Nebogatkin IV, Tomanović S, Vatansever Z, Yakovich M, Zanzani S, Široký P. 2023. Dermacentor reticulatus - a tick on its way from glacial refugia to a panmictic Eurasian population. International Journal for Parasitology 53:91-101.
  10. Panait LC, Ionică AM, Cazan CD, Coroian M, Diacu AM, Boncea AM, Mateescu C, Mihalca AD. 2023. Apicomplexan haemoparasites in domestic cats in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 16:56.
  11. Alsarraf M, Baneth G, Bogucka-Kocka A, Ciuca L, Dwużnik-Szarek D, Fuehrer HP, Kloch A, Kołodziej P, Levytska V, Mierzejewska EJ, Mihalca AD, Ionică AM, Mushynskyi A, Nachum-Biala Y, Alsarraf M, Bajer A. 2023. Haplotypes of Dirofilaria repens from Poland and selected countries of Central, North-Eastern Europe and the Middle East: An evaluation on the relation between the genetic diversity and the geographic distribution of the fast-spreading parasite. Veterinary Parasitology 315:109882.
  12. Stelder JJ, Mihalca AD, Olesen AS, Kjær LJ, Boklund AE, Rasmussen TB, Marinov M, Alexe V, Balmoş OM, Bødker R. 2023. Potential mosquito vector attraction to- and feeding preferences for pigs in Romanian backyard farms. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 9:1046263.

2022 (Total = 24)

  1. Mihalca AD, Deak G, Panait LC, Rabei Ș, Beugnet F. 2022. Efficacy of a topical formulation containing esafoxolaner, eprinomectin and praziquantel (NexGard Combo®) against natural infestations with the cat louse, Felicola subrostratus under field conditions. Parasite 29:62.
  2. Yessinou RE, Cazan CD, Panait LC, Mollong E, Biguezoton AS, Bonnet SI, Farougou S, Groschup MH, Mihalca AD. 2022. New geographical records for tick-borne pathogens in ticks collected from cattle in Benin and Togo. Veterinary Medicine and Science 9:345-352.
  3. Marinov M., Ionică AM, Mihalca AD, Alexe V, Dorosencu AC, Tudor M, Kiss JB, Bolboaca LE. 2022. New insights into the trophobiology and human perception of the golden jackal Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758 (Mammalia: Canidae) in the Danube Delta and Surroundings: between myth and reality. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 74:103-110.
  4. Pichler V, Caputo B, Valadas V, Micocci M, Horvath C, Virgillito C, Akiner M, Balatsos G, Bender C, Besnard G, Bravo-Barriga D, Bueno-Mari R, Collantes F, Delacour-Estrella S, Dikolli E, Falcuta E, Flacio E, García-Pérez AL, Kalan K, Kavran M, L'Ambert G, Lia RP, Marabuto E, Medialdea R, Melero-Alcibar R, Michaelakis A, Mihalca AD, Mikov O, Miranda MA, Müller P, Otranto D, Pajovic I, Petric D, Rebelo MT, Robert V, Rogozi E, Tello A, Zitko T, Schaffner F, Pinto J, Della Torre A. 2022. Geographic distribution of the V1016G knockdown resistance mutation in Aedes albopictus: a warning bell for Europe. Parasites & Vectors 15:280.
  5. Cotuțiu VD, Ionică AM, Lefkaditis M, Cazan CD, Hașaș AD, Mihalca AD. 2022. Thelazia lacrymalis in horses from Romania: epidemiology, morphology and phylogenetic analysis. Parasites & Vectors 15:425.
  6. Culda CA, Dionnet R, Barbu AC, Cârstolovean AS, Dan T, Grijalva J, Espin P, Vinueza RL, Cruz M, Páez-Rosas D, Renato L, Mihalca AD. 2022. The presence of Dirofilaria immitis in domestic dogs on San Cristobal Island, Galapagos. Pathogens 11:1287.
  7. Coroian M, Silaghi C, Tews BA, Baltag EȘ, Marinov M, Alexe V, Kalmár Z, Horvath C, Lupșe MS, Mihalca AD. 2022. Serological survey of mosquito-borne arboviruses in wild birds from important migratory hotspots in Romania. Pathogens 11:1270.
  8. Cotuțiu VD, Mihalca AD, Hołówka KA, Ionică AM, Cazan CD, Gherman CM. 2022. European hares, Lepus europaeus, represent a reservoir host for Thelazia callipaeda in Romania. Pathogens 11:1225.
  9. Safarov A, Mihalca AD, Park GM, Akramova F, Ionică AM, Abdinabiev O, Deak G, Azimov D. 2022. A survey of helminths of dogs in rural and urban areas of Uzbekistan and the zoonotic risk to human population. Pathogens 11:1085.
  10. Deak G, Safarov A, Xie XC, Wang R, Mihalca AD, Šlapeta J. 2022. Fleas from the Silk Road in Central Asia: identification of Ctenocephalides canis and Ctenocephalides orientis on owned dogs in Uzbekistan using molecular identification and geometric morphometrics. Parasites & Vectors 15:345.
  11. Martinez E, Leon R, Mihalca AD, Dujardin JP, Le Pont F. 2022. Morphological description of Pintomyia (Pifanomyia) veintemillasi n. sp., a new sand fly species from the sub-Andean region of Bolivia. Parasites & Vectors 15:327.
  12. Mihalca AD, Deak G, Panait LC, Rabei Ș, Beugnet F. 2022. Efficacy of afoxolaner (NexGard®) against natural infestations with Trichodectes canis in dogs under field conditions. Parasites & Vectors 15:317.
  13. Mechouk N, Mihalca AD, Deak G, Bouslama Z. 2022. Synopsis of the ticks of Algeria with new hosts and localities records. Parasites & Vectors 15:302.
  14. Ivan T, Matei IA, Novac CS, Kalmár Z, Borșan SD, Panait L, Gherman CM, Ionică AM, Papuc I, Mihalca AD. 2022. Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia spp. diversity in ticks, and the first report of Rickettsia hoogstraalii in Romania. Veterinary Sciences 9:343.
  15. Deak G, Toader S, Soare DG, Ionică AM, Taulescu M, Mihalca AD. 2022. Case Report: A new geographic area for the presence of the zoonotic ocular nematode, Onchocerca lupi in Romania. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 9:941303.
  16. Coroian M, Mihalca AD, Dobler G, Euringer K, Girl P, Borșan SD, Kalmár Z, Briciu TV, Flonta M, Topan A, Rădulescu AL, Ungur A, Lupșe MS. 2022. Seroprevalence rates against West Nile, Usutu, and tick-borne encephalitis viruses in blood-donors from north-western Romania. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(13):8182.
  17. Yessinou RE, Cazan CD, Bonnet SI, Farougou S, Mihalca AD. 2022. Geographical distribution of hard ticks (Acari:Ixodidae) and tick-host associations in Benin, Burkina-Faso, Ivory-Coast and Togo. Acta Tropica 232:106510.
  18. Deak G, Ionică AM, Pop AR, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM. 2022. New insights into the distribution of cardio-pulmonary nematodes in road killed wild felids from Romania. Parasites & Vectors 15(1):153.
  19. Ionică AM, Deak G, Boncea R, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2022. The European badger as a new host for Dirofilaria immitis and an update on the distribution of the heartworm in wild carnivores from Romania. Pathogens 11:420.
  20. Braks M, Schaffner F, Medlock JM, Berriatua E, Balenghien T, Mihalca AD, Hendrickx G, Marsboom C, Van Bortel W, Smallegange RC, Sprong H, Gossner CM, Czwienczek E, Dhollander S, Briët O, Wint W. 2022. VectorNet: Putting vectors on the map. Frontiers in Public Health 10:10.3389/fpubh.2022.809763.
  21. Péter A, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2022. Annotated checklist of the bat flies (Diptera: Nycteribiidae) of Romania. Zootaxa 5120:111-127.
  22. Mironov SV, González-Solís J, Mihalca AD, Ștefan LM. 2022. Feather mites of the genus Brephosceles Hull, 1934 (Acariformes: Alloptidae) from the European storm petrel Hydrobates pelagicus (Procellariiformes: Hydrobatidae). Systematic and Applied Acarology 27(7):1273-1294.
  23. Bendjeddou ML, Bouam I, Aulagnier S, Abdelaziz SE, Etayeb K, Mihalca AD, Sandor AD. 2022. First record of the lesser horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus hipposideros (Borkhausen, 1797), in Libya and potential distribution in North Africa. Mammalia 86:328-333.
  24. Péter A, Mihalca AD, Haelewaters D, Sándor AD. 2022. Focus on hyperparasites: Biotic and abiotic traits affecting the prevalence of parasitic microfungi on bat ectoparasites. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:10.3389/fevo.2022.795020.

2021 (Total = 24)

  1. Kalmár Z, Briciu VT, Coroian M, Flonta M, Rădulescu AL, Topan A, Mihalca AD, Lupșe M. 2021. Seroprevalence of antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. in healthy blood donors in Romania - an update. Parasites & Vectors 14:596.
  2. Ungur A, Cazan CD, Panait LC, Taulescu M, Balmoș OM, Mihaiu M, Bărbuceanu F, Mihalca AD, Cătoi C. 2021. Genotyping of African swine fever virus (ASFV) isolates in Romania with the first report of genotype II in symptomatic pigs. Veterinary Sciences 8:290.
  3. Safarov A. Akramova F, Azimov D, Mihalca AD, Ionică AM. 2021. Updates on the distribution and host spectrum of Dirofilaria repens in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Parasitology Research 120:3987-3992.
  4. Deak G, Berriatua E, Mihalca AD. 2021. The current situation of Angiostrongylus vasorum in Romania: a national questionnaire-based survey. BMC Veterinary Research 17:323.
  5. Matei IA, Ivan T, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Deak G, Nadăș GC, Novac CS, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2021. Anaplasma phagocytophilum in multiple tissue samples of wild carnivores in Romania. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57(4):949-953.
  6. Cazan CD, Horváth C, Panait LC, Porea D, Marinov M, Alexe V, Mihalca AD. 2021. Seasonal dynamics of Phlebotomus neglectus (Diptera: Psychodidae) in cave microhabitats in Romania and the rediscovery of Sergentomyia minuta (Rondani, 1843) after 50 years. Parasites & Vectors 14:476.
  7. Deak G, Moroni B, Boncea AM, Rambozzi L, Rossi L, Mihalca AD. 2021. Successful treatment of sarcoptic mange in European camelids. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8:742543.
  8. Cazan CD, Sándor AD, Kasap OE, Alten B, Mihalca AD. 2021. Sand fly fauna of South-Eastern Romania, with the description of Phlebotomus (Transphlebotomus) simonahalepae n. sp. (Diptera: Psychodidae). Parasites & Vectors 14:448.
  9. Boros Z, Ionică AM, Deak G, Mihalca AD, Chișamera G, Constantinescu IC, Adam C, Gherman CM, Cozma V. 2021. Trichinella spp. infection in European polecats (Mustela putorius Linnaeus, 1758) from Romania. Helminthologia 58:323-327.
  10. Borșan SD, Trif SR, Mihalca AD. 2021. Recreational behaviour, risk perceptions, and protective practices against ticks: a cross-sectional comparative study before and during the lockdown enforced by the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 14:423.
  11. Panait LC, Hrazdilová K, Ionică AM, Deak G, Chişamera GB, Adam C, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2021. Babesia pisicii n. sp. and Babesia canis infect European wild cats, Felis silvestris, in Romania. Microorganisms 9:1474.
  12. Sándor AD, Mihalca AD, Domșa C, Péter A, Hornok S. 2021. Argasid ticks of Palearctic bats: distribution, host selection and zoonotic importance. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8:684737.
  13. Horváth C, Cazan CD, Mihalca AD. 2021. Emergence of the invasive Asian bush mosquito, Aedes (Finlaya) japonicus japonicus, in an urban area, Romania. Parasites & Vectors 14:192.
  14. Matei IA, Corduneanu A, Sándor AD, Ionică AM, Panait L, Kalmár Z, Ivan T, Papuc I, Bouari C, Fit N, Mihalca AD. 2021. Rickettsia spp. in bats of Romania: high prevalence of Rickettsia monacensis in two insectivorous bat species. Parasites & Vectors 14:107.
  15. Borșan SD, Ionică AM, Galon C, Toma-Naic A, Peștean C, Sándor AD, Moutailler S, Mihalca AD. 2021. High diversity, prevalence, and (co)-infection rates of tick-borne pathogens in ticks and wildlife hosts in an urban area in Romania. Frontiers in Microbiology 12:645002.
  16. Deak G, Ionică AM, Szasz I, Taulescu M, Mihalca AD. 2021. A case of inguinal hernia associated with atypical Dirofilaria repens infection in a dog. Parasites & Vectors 13:125.
  17. De Meneghi D, Chiesa F, Bellato A, Tomassone L, Savic S, Mihalca AD, Modrý D, Häsler B. 2021. A survey on One Health collaboration between human, animal and environmental health sectors in Europe and neighboring areas. Frontiers in Public Health 9:609949.
  18. Deak G, Ionică MA, Oros NV, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2021. Thelazia rhodesi in a dairy farm in Romania and successful treatment using eprinomectin. Parasitology International 80: 102183.
  19. Sándor AD, Péter A, Corduneanu A, Barti L, Csősz I, Kalmár Z, Hornok S, Kontschán J, Mihalca AD. 2021. Wide distribution and diversity of malaria parasites (Polychromophilus spp.) in bats and their ectoparasites in Eastern Europe. Microorganisms 9:230.
  20. Péter A, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2021. First report of the bat fly species Basilia italica in Romania. Biodiversity Data Journal 9:e57680.
  21. Panait LC, Mihalca AD, Modrý D, Juránková J, Ionică AM, Deak G, Gherman CM, Heddergott M, Hodžić A, Veronesi F, Reichard M, Zieman EA, Nielsen CK, Jiménez-Ruiz FA, Hrazdilová K. 2021. Three new species of Cytauxzoon in European wild felids. Veterinary Parasitology 290: 109344.
  22. Khodadadi N, Nabavi R, Sarani A, Saadati D, Ganjali M, Mihalca AD, Otranto D, Sazmand A. 2021. Identification of Anaplasma marginale in long-eared hedgehogs (Hemiechinus auritus) and their Rhipicephalus turanicus ticks in Iran. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 12:101641.
  23. Corduneanu A, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD, Hornok S, Malmberg M, Pin Viso N, Bongcam-Rudloff E. 2021. The heart microbiome of insectivorous bats from Central and South Eastern Europe. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 75:101605.
  24. Mechouk N, Deak D, Ionică AM, Ionescu DT, Chișamera GB, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2021. Subcutaneous ticks: first report in a golden jackal and their absence in non-canid carnivores. Parasites & Vectors 14:5.

2020 (Total = 14)

  1. Boros Z, Ionică AM, Deak G, Mihalca AD, Chișamera GB, Györke A, Gherman CM, Cozma V. 2020. The European badger, Meles meles, as a new host for Trichinella britovi in Romania. Veterinary Parasitology 288:109301.
  2. Coroian M, Petrić M, Pistol A, Sirbu A, Domșa C, Mihalca AD. 2020. Human West Nile meningo-encephalitis in a highly endemic country: a complex epidemiological analysis on biotic and abiotic risk factors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, 8250.
  3. Pacheco I, Acevedo P, Prado E, Mihalca AD, De La Fuente J. 2020. Targeting the exoskeleton elementome to track tick geographic origins. Frontiers in Physiology 11:572758.
  4. Borșan SD, Toma-Naic A, Péter A, Sándor AD, Peștean C, Mihalca AD. 2020. Impact of abiotic factors, habitat type, and urban wildlife on the ecology of hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in urban and peri-urban habitats. Parasites & Vectors 13:476.
  5. Deak G, Gherman CM, Ionică AM, Péter Á, Sándor AD, Mihalca AD. 2020. Biotic and abiotic factors influencing the prevalence, intensity and distribution of respiratory nematodes in red foxes, Vulpes vulpes from Romania. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 12:121-125.
  6. Deak G, Ionică AM, Nădășan-Cozma G, Mihalca AD. 2020. Dermatobia hominis in a dog imported from Brazil to Romania. Parasites & Vectors 13:386.
  7. Panait LC, Stock G, Globokar M, Balzer J, Groth B, Mihalca AD, Pantchev N. 2020. First report of Cytauxzoon sp. infection in Germany: organism description and molecular confirmation in a domestic cat. Parasitology Research 119:3005-3011.
  8. Marian I, Ionică AM, Deak G, Ursache T, Lefkaditis M, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2020. The effect of Trichinella spiralis on muscular activity of experimentally infected mice. Parasitology International 76:102032.
  9. Păstrav IR, Domșa C, Mihalca AD. 2020. Synopsis of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of Romania. Zootaxa 4772:54-88.
  10. Langenwalder DB, Schmidt S, Silaghi C, Skuballa J, Pantchev N, Matei IA, Mihalca AD, Gilli U, Zajkowska J, Ganter M, Hoffman T, Salaneck E, Petrovec M, von Loewenich FD. 2020. The absence of the Drhm gene is not a marker for human pathogenicity in European Anaplasma phagocytophilum strains. Parasites & Vectors 13:238.
  11. Kalmár Z, Dumitrache MO, D'Amico G, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Gherman CM, Lupşe M, Mihalca AD. 2020. Multiple tick-borne pathogens in Ixodes ricinus ticks collected from humans in Romania. Pathogens 9: 390.
  12. Corduneanu A, Ursache TD, Taulescu M, Sevastre B, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2020. Detection of DNA of Babesia canis in tissues of laboratory rodents following oral inoculation with infected ticks. Parasites & Vectors 13:166.
  13. Fălcuţă E, Prioteasa FL, Horváth C, Păstrav IR, Schaffner F, Mihalca AD. 2020. The invasive Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus in Romania: towards a country-wide colonization. Parasitology Research 119:841-845.
  14. Rehbein S, Mihalca AD. 2020. Letter: First report of the dog louse flies, Hippobosca longipennis in Romania. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 335:251-253.

2019 (Total = 11)

  1. Sandor AD, Corduneanu A, Péter A, Mihalca AD, Barti L, Csősz I, Szőke K, Hornok S. 2019. Bats and ticks: Host selection and seasonality of bat-specialist ticks in Eastern Europe. Parasites & Vectors 12:605.
  2. Mihalca AD, Păstrav IR, Sándor AD, Deak G, Gherman CM, Sarmaşi A, Votýpka J. 2019. First report of the dog louse flies, Hippobosca longipennis in Romania. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 33:530-535.
  3. Gherman CM, Ionică AM, Deak G, Chișamera GB, Mihalca AD. 2019. Co-infection with Angiostrongylus chabaudi and Dirofilaria immitis in a wildcat, Felis silvestris from Romania. Acta Veterinaria Brno 88:303-306.
  4. Kalmár Z, Sándor AD, Matei IA, Ionică A, D'Amico G, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2019. Borrelia spp. in small mammals in Romania. Parasites & Vectors. 12:461.
  5. Stejskalova K, Janova E, Horecky C, Horecka E, Vaclavek P, Hubalek Z, Relling K, Cvanova M, D'Amico G, Mihalca AD, Modrý D, Knoll A, Horin P. 2019. Associations between the presence of specific antibodies to the West Nile Virus infection and candidate genes in Romanian horses from the Danube Delta. Molecular Biology Reports 46:4453-4461.
  6. Ionică AM, Deak G, D'Amico G, Stan GF, Chișamera GB, Constantinescu IC, Adam C, Lefkaditis M, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2019. Thelazia callipaeda in mustelids from Romania with the European badgers, Meles meles as new host for this parasite. Parasites & Vectors 12: 370.
  7. Cazan CD, Păstrav IR, Ionică AM, Oguz G, Kasap OE, Dvorak V, Halada P, Dumitrache MO, Volf P, Alten B, Mihalca AD. 2019. Updates on the distribution and diversity of sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 12:247.
  8. Deak G, Gillis-Germitsch N, Ionică AM, Mara A, Păstrav IR, Cazan CD, Ioniță M, Mitrea LI, Răileanu C, Bărburaș D, Nedișan M, Oachiș R, Cozma V, Schaper R, Schnyder M, Mihalca AD. 2019. The first seroepidemiological survey for Angiostrongylus vasorum in domestic dogs from Romania. Parasites & Vectors 12:224.
  9. Chanove E, Ionică AM, Hochman D, Berchtold F, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2019. Severe coenurosis caused by larvae of Taenia serialis in an olive baboon (Papio anubis) in Benin. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 9:134-138.
  10. Cazan CD, Păstrav IR, Györke A, Oguz G, Alten B, Mihalca AD. 2019. Seasonal dynamics of a population of Phlebotomus (Larroussius) perfiliewi Parrot, 1930 (Diptera: Psychodidae) in North-Eastern Romania. Parasitology Research 118:1371-1384.
  11. Lawrence AL, Webb CE, Clark NJ, Halajian A, Mihalca AD, Miret J, D'Amico G, Brown G, Kumsa B, Modrý D, Šlapeta J. 2019. Out-of-Africa, human-mediated dispersal of the common cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis: The hitchhiker's guide to world domination. International Journal for Parasitology 49:321-336.

2018 (Total = 12)

  1. Estrada-Pena A, Cutler S, Potkonjak A, Vayssier-Taussat M, Van Bortel W, Zeller H, Fernández-Ruiz N, Mihalca AD. 2018. An updated meta-analysis of the distribution and prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. in ticks in Europe. International Journal of Health Geographics 17:41.
  2. Deak G, Mihalca AD, Hirzmann J, Colella V, Tăbăran FA, Cavalera MA, Brudașcă FG, Bauer C, Ionică AM, Alić A, Otranto D, Gherman CM. 2018. Validity of genus Perostrongylus Schlegel, 1934 with new data on Perostrongylus falciformis in European badgers, Meles meles: distribution, life-cycle and pathology. Parasites & Vectors 11:568.
  3. Ionică AM, Deak G, Matei IA, D'Amico G, Cotuțiu V, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2018. Thelazia callipaeda, an endemic parasite of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in western Romania. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 54:829-833.
  4. Vychodilova L, Necesankova M, Albrechtová K, Hlavac J, Modry D, Janova E, Vyskocil M, Mihalca AD, Kennedy LJ, Horin P. 2018. Genetic diversity and population structure of African village 1 dogs based on microsatellite and immunity-related molecular markers. PLoS One 3(6): e0199506.
  5. Păstrav IR, Ionică AM, Peștean C, D'Amico G, Novakova E, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2018. Peripheral venous vs. capillary microfilariaemia in a dog co-infected with Dirofilaria repens and D. immitis: a comparative approach using triatomine bugs for blood collection. Veterinary Parasitology 257:54-57.
  6. Pačuta A, Žagar A; Kočíková B, Majláthová V, Mihalca AD, Majláth I. 2018. Time matters. Locomotor behavior of Lacerta viridis and Lacerta agilis in an open field maze. Acta Ethologica 21:91-99.
  7. Domșa C, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2018. Modeling the distribution of Ixodes ricinus in Romania. North-Western Journal of Zoology 14:25-29.
  8. D'Amico G, Estrada-Peña A, Kalmár Z, Fuh T, Petrželková K, Mihalca AD. 2018. Redescription of the adult stages of Ixodes (Afrixodes) rasus Neumann 1899, with notes on its phylogenetic position within genus Ixodes. Tick and Tick-Borne Diseases 9:654-659.
  9. Daskalaki AA, Ionică AM, Deak G, Gherman CM, D'Amico G, Păstrav IR, Matei IA, Domșa C, Mihalca AD. 2018. Environmental factors influencing the distribution of "Theileria annae" in red foxes, Vulpes vulpes in Romania. Tick and Tick-Borne Diseases 9:660-664.
  10. Matei IA, D'Amico G, Ionică AM, Kalmar Z, Corduneanu A, Sandor AD, Fit N, Bogdan L, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2018. New records for Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in small mammals species. Parasites & Vectors 11:193.
  11. Constantinescu IC, Chișamera GB, Yao PK, Hilare YB, Adam C, D'Amico G, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2018. Description of two new species of the feather mite family Pteronyssidae Oudemans, 1941 (Acarina: Psoroptidia) from Ivory Coast. Systematic Parasitology 95:281-292.
  12. Daskalaki AA, Ionică AM, Jeetah K, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2018. Molecular confirmation of Hepatozoon canis in Mauritius. Acta Tropica 177:116-117.

2017 (Total = 23)

  1. Corduneanu A, Hrazdilová K, Sándor AD, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Barti L, Ciocănău MA, Măntoiu DS, Coroiu I, Hornok S, Fuehrer HP, Leitner N, Bagó Z, Stefke K, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2017. Babesia vesperuginis, a neglected piroplasmid: new host and geographical records, and phylogenetic relations. Parasites & Vectors 10:598.
  2. Deak G, Ionică AM, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM. 2017. Troglostrongylus brevior: a new parasite for Romania. Parasites & Vectors 10:599.
  3. Colella V, Cavalera MA, Deak G, Tarallo VD, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD, Otranto D. 2017. Larval development of Angiostrongylus chabaudi, the causative agent of feline angiostrongylosis, in the snail Cornu aspersum. Parasitology 144:1922-1930.
  4. Salat J, Mihalca AD, Mihaiu M, Modrý D, Ruzek D. 2017. Tick-borne encephalitis in sheep, Romania. Emerging Infectious Diseases 23(12):2065-2067.
  5. Foley P, Foley J, Sándor AD, Ionică AM, Matei IA, D'Amico G, Gherman CM, Domșa C, Mihalca AD. 2017. Diversity of flea (Siphonaptera) parasites on red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Romania. Journal of Medical Entomology 54:1243-1250.
  6. Giannelli A, Capelli G, Joachim A, Hinney B, Losson B, Kirkova Z, Martellet MR, Papadopoulos E, Farkas R, Brianti E, Tamponi C, Varcasia A, Alho AM, Madeira de Carvalho L, Cardoso L, Maia C, Mircean V, Mihalca AD, Miróò G, Schnyder M, Cantacessi C, Colella V, Cavalera MA, Latrofa S, Annoscia G, Halos L, Knaus M, Beugnet F, Otranto D. 2017. Lungworms and gastrointestinal parasites of domestic cats: a European perspective. International Journal for Parasitology 47:517-528.
  7. Ionică AM, Matei IA, D'Amico G, Ababii J, Daskalaki AA, Sandor AD, Enache DV, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2017. Filarioid infections in wild carnivores: a multispecies survey in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 10:332.
  8. Deak G, Gherman CM, Ionică AM, Vezendan AD, D'Amico G, Matei IA, Daskalaki AA, Marian I, Damian A, Cozma V, Mihalca AD. 2017. Angiostrongylus vasorum in Romania: an extensive survey in red foxes, Vulpes vulpes. Parasites & Vectors 10:330.
  9. Ionică AM, Zittra C, Wimmer V, Leitner N, Votýpka J, Modrý D, Mihalca AD, Fuehrer HP. 2017. Mosquitoes in the Danube Delta: searching for vectors of filarioid helminths and avian malaria. Parasites & Vectors 10:324.
  10. Mitková B, Hrazdilová K, D'Amico G, Duscher GG, Suchentrunk F, Forejtek P, Gherman CM, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Daskalaki AA, Mihalca AD, Votýpka J, Hulva P, Modrý D. 2017. Eurasian golden jackal as host of canine vector-borne protists. Parasites & Vectors 10:183.
  11. Sándor AD, D'Amico G, Gherman CM, Dumitrache MO, Domșa C, Mihalca AD. 2017. Mesocarnivores and macroparasites: altitude and land-use predict the ticks occurring on red foxes (Vulpes vulpes). Parasites & Vectors 10:173.
  12. Ionică AM, Matei IA, D'Amico G, Bel LV, Dumitrache MO, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2017. Dirofilaria immitis and D. repens show circadian co-periodicity in naturally co-infected dogs. Parasites & Vectors 10:116.
  13. Rüegg SR, McMahon BJ, Haesler B, Esposito R, Nielsen LR, Speranza CI, Ehlinger T, Peyre M, Aragrande M, Zinsstag J, Davies P, Mihalca AD, Buttigieg SC, Rushton J, Carmo LP, De Meneghi D, Canali M, Filippitzi ME, Goutard FL, Ilieski V, Milicevic D, O'Shea F, Radeski M, Kock, Staines RA, Lindberg A. 2017. A blueprint to evaluate One Health. Frontiers in Public Health 5:20.
  14. Estrada-Peña A, D'Amico G, Palomar AM, Dupraz M, Fonville M, Heylen D, Habela MA, Hornok S, Lempereur L, Madder M, Núncio MS, Otranto D, Pfaffle M, Plantard O, Santos-Silva MM, Sprong H, Vatansever Z, Vial L, Mihalca AD. 2017. A comparative test of ixodid tick identification by a network of European researchers. Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases 8:540-546.
  15. D'Amico G, Dumitrache MO, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Gherman CM, Sándor AD, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2017. Ixodid ticks parasitizing wild carnivores in Romania. Experimental and Applied Acarology 71:139-149.
  16. Matei IA, Kalmár Z, Lupșe M, D'Amico G, Ionică AM, Dumitrache MO, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2017. The risk of exposure to rickettsial infections and human granulocytic anaplasmosis associated with Ixodes ricinus tick bites in humans in Romania: a multiannual study. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 8:375-378.
  17. Răileanu C, Moutailler S, Pavel I, Porea D, Mihalca AD, Săvuță G, Vayssier-Taussat M. 2017. Borrelia diversity and co-infection with other tick borne pathogens in ticks. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 7:36.
  18. Briciu VT, Ţăţulescu DF, Năstase V, Flonta M, Meyer F, Sebah D, Cârstina D, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM, Hizo-Teufel C, Huber I, Fingerle V, Lupșe MS. 2017. Clinical and serological one-year follow up of patients after the bite of Ixodes ricinus ticks infected with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Infectious Diseases 49(4):277-285.
  19. D'Amico G, Juránková J, Tăbăran FA, Frgelecová L, Forejtek P, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Hodžić A, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2017. Occurrence of ticks in the subcutaneous tissue of red foxes, Vulpes vulpes in Czech Republic and Romania. Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases 8(2):309-312.
  20. Matei IA, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Corduneanu A, Daskalaki AA, Lefkaditis M, Mihalca AD. 2017. Altitudinal-dependent prevalence of canine granulocytic anaplasmosis in Romania. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 17(2):147-151.
  21. Matei IA, Stuen S, Modrý D, Degan A, D'Amico G, Mihalca AD. 2017. Neonatal Anaplasma platys infection in puppies: Further evidence for possible vertical transmission? The Veterinary Journal 219:40-41.
  22. Rehbein S, Knaus M, Mallouk Y, Breiltgens T, Brianti E, Capári B, Dantas-Torres F, Gau M, Joachim A, Kaulfuß KH, Kirkova Z, Lechner J, Mihalca AD, Mirabito R, Petkevičius S. 2017. Efficacy against nematode infections and safety of afoxolaner plus milbemycin oxime chewable tablets in domestic dogs under field conditions in Europe. Parasitology Research 116:259-269.
  23. Deak G, Gherman CM, Ionică AM, Daskalaki AA, Matei IA, D'Amico G, Domșa C, Pantchev N, Mihalca AD, Cozma V. 2017. Use of a commercial serologic test for Angiostrongylus vasorum for the detection of A. chabaudi in wildcats and A. daskalovi in badgers. Veterinary Parasitology 233:107-110.

2016 (Total = 16)

  1. Mitková B, Hrazdilová K, Steinbauer V, D'Amico G, Mihalca AD, Modrý D. 2016. Autochthonous Hepatozoon infection in hunting dogs and foxes from the Czech Republic. Parasitology Research 115:4167-4171.
  2. Constantinescu IC, Chișamera Gb, Yao PK, Hilare YB, Adam C, D'Amico G, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2016. Anhemialges suteui n. sp. (Astigmata: Analgidae) from Hylia prasina (Passeriformes, Macrosphenidae) in Ivory Coast. Systematic Parasitology 93:771-780.
  3. Gherman CM, Deak G, Matei IA, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Taulescu M, Barbu-Tudoran L, Sarmasi A, Mihalca AD; Cozma V. 2016. A rare cardiopulmonary parasite of European badgers (Meles meles): first description of the larvae, ultrastructure, pathological changes and molecular identification of Angiostrongylus daskalovi (Janchev and Genov 1988). Parasites & Vectors 9:423.
  4. Mihalca AD, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Daskalaki AA, Deak G, Matei IA, Șimonca V, Iordache D, Modrý D. Gherman CM. 2016. Thelazia callipaeda in wild carnivores from Romania: new host and geographical records. Parasites & Vectors 9:350.
  5. Gallusová M, Jirsová D, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM, D'Amico G, Qablan MA, Modrý D. 2016. Cytauxzoon Infections in Wild Felids from Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic Space: Further Evidence for a Different Cytauxzoon Species in European Felids. Journal of Parasitology 102:377-380.
  6. Gherman CM, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Otranto D, Mihalca AD. 2016. Cardio-pulmonary nematode Angiostrongylus chabaudi (Biocca, 1957) in wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris, S) from Romania: case report. Parasitology Research 115: 2511-2517.
  7. Dumitrache MO, Nachum-Biala Y, Gilad M, Mircean V, Cazan CD, Mihalca AD, Baneth G. 2016. The quest for canine leishmaniasis in Romania: presence of an autochthonous focus with subclinical infections in an area where disease occurred. Parasites & Vectors 9:297.
  8. Mărcuţan ID, Kalmár Z, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Mihalca AD, Cozma V, Sandor AD. 2016. Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae in ticks of migratory birds in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 9:294.
  9. Briciu VT, Sebah D, Coroiu G, Lupşe M, Cârstina D, Ţăţulescu DF, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM, Leucuţa D, Meyer F, Hizo-Teufel C, Fingerle V, Huber I. 2016. Immunohistochemistry and real-time PCR as diagnostic tools for detection of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in ticks collected from humans. Experimental and Applied Acarology 69:49-60.
  10. Ionică AM, Matei IA, D'Amico G, Daskalaki AA, Juránková J; Ionescu DT, Mihalca AD, Modrý D, Gherman CM. 2016. Role of golden jackals (Canis aureus) as natural reservoirs of Dirofilaria spp. in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 9:240.
  11. Matei IA, D'Amico G, Yao PK, Ionică AM, Kanyari PWN, Daskalaki AA, Dumitrache MO, Sandor AD, Gherman CM, Qablan M, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2016. Molecular detection of Anaplasma platys infection in free-roaming dogs and ticks from Kenya and Ivory Coast. Parasites & Vectors 9:157.
  12. Ioniță M, Mitrea IL, Ionică AM, Morariu S, Mihalca AD. 2016. New cases of Thelazia callipaeda Haplotype 1 in dogs suggest a wider distribution in Romania. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 16:172-175.
  13. Chițimia-Dobler L, D'Amico G, Kouassi Yao P, Kalmár Z, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD, Estrada-Peña A. 2016. Description of the male, redescription of the female and 16S rDNA sequence of Ixodes aulacodi Arthur, 1956 (Ixodidae). Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 7:433-438.
  14. Domșa C, Sandor AD, Mihalca AD. 2016. Climate change and species distribution: possible scenarios for thermophilic ticks in Romania. Geospatial Health 11:421.
  15. Colella V, Kirkova Z, Fok E, Mihalca AD, Tasić-Otašević S, Hodžic A, Dantas-Torres F, Otranto D. 2016. Increase in Eyeworm Infections in Eastern Europe. Emerging Infectious Diseases 22:1513-1514.
  16. Kalmár Z, Sprong H, Mihalca AD, Gherman CM, Coipan EC, Fonville M, Cozma V. 2016. Circulation of Borrelia miyamotoi and Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis in questing Ixodes ricinus, Romania. Emerging Infectious Diseases 22(3):550-551.

2015 (Total = 12)

  1. Dumitrache MO, Matei IA, Ionică AM, Kalmár Z, D'Amico G, Sikó-Barabási S, Ionescu DT, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2015. Molecular detection of Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato genospecies in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from Romania. Parasites & Vectors 8:514.
  2. Magdaş C, Magdaş VA, Mihalca AD, Baciu H, Gherman CM, Ştefănuţ CL, Lefkaditis M, Cozma V. 2015. Laboratory development of Dermacentor marginatus ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) at two different temperatures. Experimental and Applied Acarology 67(2):308-315.
  3. Votýpka J, Rádrová J, Skalický T, Jirků M, Jirsová D, Mihalca AD, D´Amico G, Petrželková KJ, Modrý D, Lukeš J. 2015. A tsetse and tabanid fly survey of African great apes habitats reveals the presence of a novel trypanosome lineage but the absence of Trypanosoma brucei. International Journal for Parasitology 45:741-748.
  4. Mihalca AD. 2015. Ticks imported to Europe with exotic reptiles. Veterinary Parasitology 213:67-71.
  5. Hornok S, Estrada-Peña A, Kontschán J, Plantard O, Kunz B, Mihalca AD, Thabah A, Tomanovic S, Burazerovic J, Takács N, Görföl T, Estók P, Tan TV, Szőke K, Fernández de Mera IG, de la Fuente J, Takahashi M, Yamauchi T, Takano A. 2015. High degree of mitochondrial gene heterogeneity in the bat tick species Ixodes vespertilionis, I. ariadnae and I. simplex from Eurasia. Parasites & Vectors 8:457.
  6. D'Amico G, Dumitrache MO, Široký P, Albrechtová K, Sloboda M, Domșa C, Sándor AD, Balázsi R, Kanyari PWN, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2015. Altitudinal and seasonal differences of tick communities in dogs from pastoralist tribes of Northern Kenya. Veterinary Parasitology 212:318–323.
  7. Lawrence AL, Hii SF, Jirsová D, Panáková L, Ionică AM, Gilchrist K, Modrý D, Mihalca AD, Webb CE, Traub RJ, Šlapeta J. 2015. Integrated morphological and molecular identification of cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) and dog fleas (Ctenocephalides canis) vectoring Rickettsia felis in central Europe. Veterinary Parasitology 210:215-223.
  8. Ionică AM, Matei IA, Mircean V, Dumitrache MO, D'Amico G, Györke A, Pantchev N, Annoscia G, Albrechtová K, Otranto D, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2015. Current surveys on the prevalence and distribution of Dirofilaria spp. and Acanthocheilonema reconditum infections in dogs in Romania. Parasitology Research 114:975-982.
  9. Kalmár Z, Cozma V, Sprong H, Jahfari S, D'Amico G, Mărcuțan DI, Ionică AM, Magdaş C, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2015. Transstadial transmission of Borrelia turcica in Hyalomma aegyptium ticks. PLoS One 10(2):e0115520.
  10. Mihalca AD, D'Amico G, Scurtu I, Chirilă R, Matei IA, Ionică AM. 2015. Further spreading of canine oriental eyeworm in Europe: first report of Thelazia callipaeda in Romania. Parasites & Vectors 8:48.
  11. Matei IA, Kalmár Z, Magdaş C, Magdaş V, Toray H, Dumitrache MO, Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Sándor A, Mărcuțan DI, Domşa C, Gherman CM, Mihalca AD. 2015. Anaplasma phagocytophilum in questing Ixodes ricinus ticks from Romania. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 6:408-413.
  12. Durden LA, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD, Kanyari PWN. 2015. A new species of sucking louse (Phthiraptera: Anoplura: Linognathidae) from Günther's dikdik (Madoqua guentheri) in Kenya. Journal of Parasitology 101(2):140-144.

2014 (Total = 12)

  1. Gallusová M, Qablan MA, D'Amico G, Oborník M, Petrželková KJ, Mihalca AD, Modrý D. 2014. Piroplasms in feral and domestic equines in rural areas of Danube Delta, Romania with survey of dogs as possible reservoir. Veterinary Parasitology 206:287-292.
  2. Miclăuș V, Gal AF, Cătoi C, Mihalca AD. 2014. Severe granulomatous gastric lesions following migration of Spiroxys contortus larvae (Nematoda: Spirurida) in European pond turtles, Emys orbicularis. Helminthologia 51(3):225-229.
  3. Oltean M, Kalmár Z, Kiss BJ, Marinov M, Vasile A, Sándor AD, Domşa C, Gherman CM, Boireau P, Cozma V, Mihalca AD, Rosenthal BM. 2014. European Mustelids occupying pristine wetlands in the Danube Delta harbor infections with Trichinella likely derived from domesticated swine. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 50(4):972-975.
  4. Sándor AD, Dumitrache MO, D'Amico G, Kiss BJ, Mihalca AD. 2014. Rhipicephalus rossicus and not R. sanguineus is the dominant tick species of dogs in the wetlands of the Danube Delta, Romania. Veterinary Parasitology 204(3-4):430-432.
  5. Briciu VT, Meyer F, Sebah D, Ţăţulescu DF, Coroiu G, Lupșe M, Cârstina D, Mihalca AD, Hizo-Teufel C, Klier C, Huber I, Fingerle V. 2014. Real-time PCR based identification of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato species in ticks collected from humans in Romania. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 5(5):575-581.
  6. Şuteu O, Mihalca AD, Paştiu AI, Györke A, Matei IA, Ionică A, Balea A, Oltean M, D'Amico G, Barabási Sikó S, Ionescu DT, Gherman CM, Cozma V. 2014. A glance into the wild: red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Romania are carriers for Toxoplasma gondii but not Neospora caninum. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 50(3):713-716.
  7. Ionică AM, D'Amico G, Mitková B, Kalmár Z, Annoscia G, Otranto D, Modrý D, Mihalca AD. 2014. First report of Cercopithifilaria spp. in dogs from Eastern Europe with an overview of their geographic distribution in Europe. Parasitology Research 113:2761-2764.
  8. Hornok S, Kontschán J, Kováts D, Kovács R, Angyal D, Görföl T, Polacsek Z, Kalmár Z, Mihalca AD. 2014. Bat ticks revisited: Ixodes ariadnae sp. nov. and allopatric genotypes of I. vespertilionis in caves of Hungary. Parasites & Vectors 7:202.
  9. Lefkaditis MA, Paştiu AI, Rodi-Buriel A, Sossidou AV, Panorias AH, Eleftheriadis TG, Cozma V, Mihalca AD. 2014. Helminth burden in stray cats from Thessaloniki, Greece. Helminthologia 51:73-76.
  10. Mircean V, Dumitrache MO, Mircean M, Bolfă P., Györke A, Mihalca AD. 2014. Autochthonous canine leishmaniasis in Romania: neglected or (re)emerging? Parasites & Vectors 7:135.
  11. Sándor AD, Mărcuţan DI, D'Amico G, Gherman CM, Dumitrache MO, Mihalca AD. 2014. Do the ticks of birds at an important migratory hotspot reflect the seasonal dynamics of Ixodes ricinus at the migration initiation site? A case study in the Danube Delta. PLoS One 9(2):e89378.
  12. Dumitrache MO, Kiss B, Dantas-Torres F, Latrofa MS, D'Amico G, Sándor AD, Mihalca AD. 2014. Seasonal dynamics of Rhipicephalus rossicus attacking domestic dogs from the steppic region of southeastern Romania. Parasites & Vectors 7:97.

2013 (Total = 6)

  1. Dabert J, Dabert M, Gal AF, Miclăuș V, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2013. Multidisciplinary analysis of Knemidocoptes jamaicensis parasitising the Common Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs: proofs for a multispecies complex? Parasitology Research 112:2373-2380.
  2. Tăbăran F, Sándor AD, Marinov M, Cătoi C, Mihalca AD. 2013. Alaria alata infection in European mink. Emerging Infectious Diseases 19:1547-1549.
  3. D'Amico G, Mihalca AD, Domşa C, Albrechtová́ K, Sándor AD, Modrý́ D. 2013. Taming the beast: rabies control in the cradle of mankind. Geospatial Health 7:409-411.
  4. Dumitrache MO, Paștiu AI, Kalmár Z, Mircean V, Sándor AD, Gherman CM, Peștean C, Mihalca AD, Cozma V. 2013. Northern white-breasted hedgehogs Erinaceus roumanicus as hosts for ticks infected with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and Anaplasma phagocytophilum in Romania. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 4:214-217.
  5. Kalmár Z, Mihalca AD, Dumitrache MO, Gherman CM, Magdaș C, Mircean V, Oltean M, Domşa C, Matei IA, Mărcuţan DI, Sándor AD, D'Amico G, Paștiu A, Györke A, Gavrea R, Marosi B, Ionică A, Burkhardt E, Toriay H, Cozma V. 2013. Geographical distribution and prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi genospecies in questing Ixodes ricinus from Romania: a countrywide study. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 4:403-408.
  6. Miclăuş V, Mihalca AD, Gal AF, Cătoi C. 2013. Mesothelial metaplasia in European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis (Testudines: Emydidae) infected with Spiroxys contortus (Nematoda: Spirurida). Helminthologia 50:104-107.

2012 (Total = 11)

  1. Paştiu AI, Matei IA, Mihalca AD, D'Amico G, Dumitrache MO, Kalmár Z, Sándor AD, Gherman CM, Cozma V. 2012. Zoonotic pathogens associated with Hyalomma aegyptium in endangered tortoises: evidence for host-switching behaviour in ticks? Parasites & Vectors 5:301.
  2. Mihalca AD, Dumitrache MO, Sándor AD, Magdaş C, Oltean M, Györke A, Matei IA, Ionică A, D'Amico G, Cozma V, Gherman CM. 2012. Tick parasites of rodents in Romania: host preferences, community structure and geographical distribution. Parasites & Vectors 5:266.
  3. Rinaldi L, Capasso M, Mihalca AD, Cirillo R, Cringoli G, Cacciò S. 2012. Prevalence and molecular identification of Cryptosporidium isolates from pet lizards and snakes in Italy. Parasite 19:437-440.
  4. Mihalca AD, Gherman CM, Magdaş C, Dumitrache MO, Györke A, Sándor AD, Domşa C, Oltean M, Mircean V, Mărcuţan DI, D'Amico G, Păduraru AO, Cozma V. 2012. Ixodes ricinus is the dominant questing tick in forest habitats from Romania: the results from a countrywide dragging campaign. Experimental and Applied Acarology 58:175-182.
  5. Mihalca AD, Dumitrache MO, Magdaş C, Gherman CM, Domşa C, Mircean V, Ghira IV, Pocora V, Ionescu DT, Sikó Barabási S, Cozma V, Sándor AD. 2012. Synopsis of the hard-ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) of Romania with update on host associations and geographical distribution. Experimental and Applied Acarology 58:183-206.
  6. Gherman CM, Sándor AD, Kalmár Z, Marinov M, Mihalca AD. 2012. First report of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in two threatened carnivores: the Marbled polecat, Vormela peregusna and European mink, Mustela lutreola (Mammalia: Mustelidae). BMC Veterinary Research 8:137.
  7. Mircean V, Dumitrache MO, Györke A, Pantchev N, Jodies R, Mihalca AD, Cozma V. 2012. Seroprevalence and geographic distribution of Dirofilaria immitis and tick-borne infections (Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and Ehrlichia canis) in dogs from Romania. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 12:595-603.
  8. Gherman CM, Mihalca AD, Dumitrache MO, Györke A, Oroian I, Sandor M, Cozma V. 2012. CO2 flagging - an improved method for the collection of questing ticks. Parasites & Vectors 5:125.
  9. Ţălu SD, Ştefănuț AC, Mihalca AD, Coroiu Z. 2012. Subconjunctival infestation with Setaria. Helminthologia 49:119-121.
  10. Dumitrache MO, Gherman CM, Cozma V, Mircean V, Györke A, Sándor AD, Mihalca AD. 2012. Hard ticks (Ixodidae) in Romania: surveillance, host associations and possible risks for tick-borne diseases. Parasitology Research 110:2067-2070.
  11. Rinaldi L, Mihalca AD, Cirillo R, Maurelli MP, Montesano M, Capasso M, Cringoli G. 2012. FLOTAC can detect parasitic and pseudoparasitic elements in reptiles. Experimental Parasitology 130: 282-284.

2011 (Total = 4)

  1. Albrechtová K, Sedlák K, Petrželková KJ, Hlaváč J, Mihalca AD, Lesingirian A, Kanyari PWN, Modrý D. 2011. Occurrence of filaria in domestic dogs of Samburu pastoralists in Northern Kenya and its associations with canine distemper. Veterinary Parasitology 182:230-238.
  2. Kiss T, Cadar D, Krupaci AF, Bordeanu A, Brudaşcă GF, Mihalca AD, Mircean V, Gliga L, Dumitrache MO, Spînu M. 2011. Serological reactivity to Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in dogs and horses from distinct areas in Romania. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 11:1259-1162.
  3. Dabert J, Mihalca AD, Sándor AD. 2011. The first report of Knemidocoptes intermedius Fain et Macfarlane, 1967 (Acari; Astigmata) in naturally infected European birds. Parasitology Research, 109:237-240.
  4. Briciu VT, Titilincu A, Ţăţulescu DF, Cârstina D, Lefkaditis M, Mihalca AD. 2011. First survey on hard ticks (Ixodidae) collected from humans in Romania: possible risks for tick-borne diseases. Experimental and Applied Acarology 54:199-204.

2010 (Total = 3)

  1. Mihalca AD, Miclăuş V, Lefkaditis M. 2010. Pulmonary lesions caused by the nematode Rhabdias fuscovenosa in a grass snake, Natrix natrix. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 46:678-681.
  2. Sloboda M, Mihalca AD, Falka I, Petrzelková KJ, Carlsson M, Ghira I, Modrý D. 2010. Are gobiid fish more susceptible to predation if parasitized by Eustrongylides excisus? An answer from robbed snakes. Ecological Research 25:469-473.
  3. Şuteu O, Titilincu A, Modrý D, Mihalca A, Mircean V, Cozma V. 2010. First identification of Neospora caninum by PCR in aborted bovine foetuses in Romania. Parasitology Research 106:719-722.

2009 (Total = 3)

  1. Mihalca AD, Jirků M, Malonza PK, Modrý D. 2009. A new species of Isospora Schneider, 1881 (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from Ruppell's agama Agama rueppelli (Vaillant) (Sauria: Agamidae) from East Africa, with a review of this genus in agamid lizards. Systematic Parasitology 74:219-223.
  2. Lefkaditis MA, Koukeri SE, Mihalca AD. 2009. Prevalence and intensity of Otodectes cynotis in kittens from Thessaloniki area, Greece. Veterinary Parasitology 163:374-375.
  3. Široký P, Mikulíček P, Jandzík D, Kami H, Mihalca AD, Rouag R, Kamler M, Schneider C, Záruba M, Modrý D. 2009. Co-distribution pattern of a haemogregarine Hemolivia mauritanica (Apicomplexa: Haemogregarinidae) and its vector Hyalomma aegyptium (Metastigmata: Ixodidae). Journal of Parasitology 95:728-733.

2008 (Total = 4)

  1. Mihalca AD, Racka K, Gherman C, Ionescu DT. 2008. Prevalence and intensity of blood apicomplexan infections in reptiles from Romania. Parasitology Research 102:1081-1083.
  2. Traversa D, Avolio S, Modrý D, Otranto D, Iorio R, Aroch I, Cringoli G, Milillo P, Albrechtová K, Mihalca AD, Lavy E. 2008. Copromicroscopic and molecular assays for the detection of cancer-causing parasitic nematode Spirocerca lupi. Veterinary Parasitology 157:108-116.
  3. Majláthová V, Majláth I, Hromada M, Tryjanowski P, Bona M, Antczak M, Víchová B, Dzimko S, Mihalca A, Peťko B. 2008. The role of the sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) in the transmission cycle of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. International Journal of Medical Microbiology 298(Supplement 1):161-167.
  4. Miclăuş V, Mihalca AD, Negrea O, Oana L. 2008. Histological evidence for inoculative action of immature Linguatula serrata in lymph nodes of intermediate host. Parasitology Research 102:1385-1387.

2007 (Total = 2)

  1. Mihalca AD, Fictum P, Škorič M, Sloboda M, Kärvemo S, Ghira I, Carlsson M, Modrý D. 2007. Severe granulomatous lesions in several organs from Eustrongylides larvae in a free-ranging Dice snake, Natrix tessellata. Veterinary Pathology 44:103-105.
  2. Mihalca AD, Gherman C, Ghira I, Cozma V. 2007. Helminth parasites of reptiles (Reptilia) in Romania. Parasitology Research 101:491-492.

2006 (Total = 1)

  1. Široký P, Petrželková KJ, Kamler M, Mihalca AD, Modrý D. 2006. Hyalomma aegyptium as dominant tick in tortoises of the genus Testudo in Balkan countries, with notes on its host preferences. Experimental and Applied Acarology 40:279-290.